Advantages of SailfishOS over AndroidOS?
asked 2014-01-17 00:58:38 +0200
This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
Advantages list table of differences between AndroidOS versus SailfishOS ?
freely editable
- No Google Account or anything related to Google onboard
- Gesture driven
- real Linux
- rpm based
- You see what apps are running
- True multitasking
- You can close apps completly
- unlike (read: huge) community support
- continous updates and fixes
- developers are listening to the user
I have added my opinions to the list.
Sailor ( 2014-01-17 09:07:00 +0200 )editIt is an opportunity to develop Sailfish into a recognised FOSS environment and rescue all those struggling to stay afloat in the waters of restricted systems like IOS, Android and even Cyanogenmod. There is competition for FOSS programmers resources from the likes of Replicant, Firefox OS and Ubuntu OS etc. Richard Richard
richardski ( 2014-01-17 09:55:28 +0200 )edit(not enough karma to edit)
- An UI really classious ... and unlike !
TNZ ( 2014-01-17 13:41:56 +0200 )editI'd say .. community driven development. As we can see on this page - where devs are answering and looking into certain things, implementing the "most wanted" for next updates.
STiAT ( 2014-01-18 21:28:10 +0200 )edit(I don't see how I can edit the original posting). For me: 1) Battery life: 4 days+ out-of-the-box for Jolla vs. barely 2 days after time-consuming hacking and tuning sessions with an HTC Desire with LeeDrOiD ROM. Similar usage. 2) Control over what is running on my HW, no crap applications I cannot uninstall. 3) Company actually listening to users (this site!).
StaticNoiseLog ( 2014-02-23 20:04:32 +0200 )edit