Query the next SFOS available release from command line
asked 2017-05-04 23:53:35 +0200
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I'd like to know the command to find the next SFOS available release from command line ?
you can't do this, but i can suggest you to check https://coderus.openrepos.net/whitesoft/sailversion
coderus ( 2017-05-04 23:57:52 +0200 )edit@codeus Thanks for your answer, we're almost there :)
With a factory reset, I'm back to square one : SFOS
The update GUI says is available for download.
Your file shows almost all the releases
Is there another file containing only the releases I need to upgrade to go back to SFOS v2.1 ?
SebM ( 2017-05-05 00:12:01 +0200 )edityou really SHOULD follow suggested versions for proper update, or device will be bricked.
coderus ( 2017-05-05 01:13:58 +0200 )editIn the chain of Sailfish OS updates there are certain mandatory releases called "stop releases". They bring in something that is required for successful updates to the releases following each stop release. Unfortunately one has to traverse all stop releases having higher ID than the release in the device after a factory reset.
Currently the stop release are:,,, and
jovirkku ( 2017-05-05 15:33:50 +0200 )edit