Pull left: Please rethink this action [not relevant]
asked 2014-01-17 12:56:10 +0200
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I closed this question: While I think, that the problem with "pull left" and its destructive action remains, I see from the comments, that the question contains wrong assumptions (I was sure, in e-mail the left swipe would send the e-mail, however rechecking this: it does not; in Notes it is in fact a "pull right", I should have checked this). I should have researched the whole subject more carefully. My apologies to to everyone taking the time to read/comment my question.
According to my knowledge, pull left
can mean for example:
- Go down in page sequence (e.g. e-mail).
- E-mail: Send current new e-mail (= destructive action)
- Jolla Store: Install app (= destructive action)
- Note: Save note (= destructive action)
- [swipe left] When starting at the edge: Minimize app to home screen
Neither of these actions require any additional confirmation. While a pull is ok for non-destructive actions, it should never be used on its own for destructive actions: It is too easy done by mistake -- in particular with a gesture having multiple meanings (you have to know in advance, what the meaning is but you cannot, at least when doing the gesture for the first time in that context; and even if it is not for the first time, the meaning is hard to remember/guess).
Note: In a certain sense, also saving/installing/sending are destructive actions -- with the e-mail for example I could think I would drop a just written but offensive e-mail by an accidental pull after I reconsidered its contents and decided not to send it!
Request: Please make sure, that the left swipe on its own never results in a destructive action. Just a remorse-counter to stop that action is not sufficient: A destruction needs an active, intentional action in advance.
By the way: Deleting e-mails via pulley menu with remorse-counter is ok. The pulley menu is that required active, intentional action. You do not select a menu by mistake (ok, you may by mistake select the wrong menu entry, but you could read in the menu what would happen and to revert you have got the remorse-counter).
PS: There are a couple of questions here already concerning the pull left
. None of them however has a more general view.
chemist edit: changed terms to official terminology
Um. The idea is that when you pull left, you commit yourself to whatever you were doing. It is analogous to clicking an OK button. And more, you can cancel the action by pulling back before you release you finger. As to the home view, I always go there by swiping to the right.
elakim ( 2014-01-17 13:57:02 +0200 )editAre you sure you can send an e-mail with a pull left?
Neo ( 2014-01-17 14:16:11 +0200 )editactually i'd rather see it used in a more continous way (also send a message by pulling left for example) ... it is rather hard to accidentially pull left instead of swiping left - at least for me it's actually the other way round...
egnat69 ( 2014-01-17 14:22:10 +0200 )editNote save is not a pull left action but a pull right action (closing the Notes app while within a note also saves what was written).
Neo ( 2014-01-17 14:24:42 +0200 )edit