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Sony Xperia X (F5121) : Availability by Country

asked 2017-07-15 14:04:05 +0200

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updated 2017-10-10 17:29:52 +0200

pfbach gravatar image

Hi! I am really interested in, and hopeful about Sailfish successfully working on the Xperia X. But then when I began looking for the device, I found out that the Single-SIM version is not sold in India. I also wrote to Sony (India) and confirmed that neither do they officially sell it in India, nor do they have any plans to do so in the future.

So I thought it'd be nice if we could all put together an alphabetically sorted list of countries stating whether or not this particular model is available. Feel free to re-format it to look better, or make other additions to make it more informative.


|     Country     |  Availability  |           Price          |
| International   |   YES          |        305-350€ [17]     |
| Argentina       |   YES          |$380 (used)-1000 (new) [1]|
| Austria         |   YES          |       ~ € 300,- [18]     |
| Australia       |   YES          |  $440,$460AUD [15][23]   |
| Canada          |   YES          |   375 CAD (260 €) [22]   |
| Taiwan          |   YES          |       13,900TWD[21]      |
| China (Hongkong)|    NO (F5122)  |          [2]             |
| China (mainland)|    NO          |                          |
| Czech republic  |   YES          |   7690Kc (298EUR) [3]   |
| Denmark         |   YES          |    2199 dkk (new) [4]    |
| Estonia         |   YES          |         309-649€         |
| Finland         |   YES          |   299-436 EUR  [19] [20] |
| France          |   YES          |222€(refurbished)/333€ [5]|
| Germany         |   YES          | € 299,- bis € 330,-  [6] |
| Hungary         |   YES          |  90990 HUF ~ 295 EUR [7] |
| India           |    NO (F5122)  |                          |
| Italy           |   YES          |           249-319€ [14]  |
| Netherlands     |   YES          |      € 304 - 379 [25]    |
| Norway          |   YES          | NOK 2290,- ~245 EUR [13] |
| Poland          |   YES          | 1197 PLN ~281 EUR  [16]  |
| Romania         |   YES          | 1269 LEI - 276 EUR  [24] |
| Russia          |   YES          |  23990 RUB ~ 350 EUR [8] |
| Sweden          |   YES          |  2790:- SEK ~290 EUR [9] |
| Switzerland     |   YES          | Starting at Fr. 324  [10]|
| UK              |   YES          |        £280   [11]       |
| US              |   YES          |    $349.99 - 305€  [12]  |
  1. Mercadolibre.com.ar
  2. Can get both on Taobao, unofficial price about 1400~1600 CNY = 180~205 EUR
  3. CZC.CZ
  4. Pricerunner / 1499 dkk (refurbished) Bluecity
  5. BackMarket (refurbished), Amazon, eGlobal Central, PriceMinister (new & refurbished), Darty
  6. auf Geizhals.de (Preisvergleichs-Seite) in Schwarz, Weiß, Rosa-Gold oder Grün-Gold; auf Amazon.de in Schwarz, Weiß, Rosa-Gold oder Grün-Gold; bei MediaMarkt nur in Grün-Gold (da Restposten).
  7. http://bit.ly/2t2m5kX
  8. Buyon
  9. NetOnNet
  10. according to Toppreise.ch
  11. (Prices risen!) at Skinflint.co.uk (price comparison website) in Black, White, Rose Gold and Lime Gold; at Amazon.co.uk in Black, White and Rose Gold; at Argos - you can also get a reconditioned model from Argos via ebay for £180
  12. BestBuy
  13. NetOnNet
  14. Amazon
  15. BuyMobile.com.au
  16. at Cenowarka.pl (price comparison website) in Black, White, Rose Gold and Lime Gold; at Ceneo.pl
  17. for a Europe-wide price search you may use Geizhals.eu (price comparison website) for the Sony Xperia X (Model F5121) in Black, White, Rose Gold and Lime Gold; In the beginning of August one got the best price with free delivery by going to Amazon.de (also in English) via GH, "Dispatched from and sold by Amazon", price depends on the VAT and colour.
  18. auf Geizhals.at (Preisvergleichs-Seite) in Schwarz, Weiß, Rosa-Gold oder Grün-Gold; auf Amazon.at in Schwarz, Weiß, Rosa-Gold oder Grün-Gold.
  19. hinta.fi
  20. hintaseuranta.fi
  21. taiwanmobile
  22. bestbuy Price doesn't include taxes and device is refurbished. Can also be found on B&H and amazon.ca but for higher price. Also available from network operators Freedom Mobile and Videotron, however these are SIM locked. Bootloader lock status is unknown for these carrier devices, but at least for Freedom is likely to be not unlockable.
  23. mobileciti.com.au
  24. cel.ro, domo.ro, marketonline.ro, telefonultau.eu
  25. Good starting point for finding one in the Netherlands is the tech site Tweakers. They have a listing of four colours in their Pricewatch.
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Would it be possible to add prices too?

Dave999 ( 2017-07-15 21:54:57 +0200 )edit

Yes Sir999!

martonmiklos ( 2017-07-15 21:56:46 +0200 )edit

Great work, soldier!

Dave999 ( 2017-07-15 22:20:54 +0200 )edit

About the price: which one? Official one? Here in Italy the price can be very different depending on many factors.

magullo ( 2017-07-15 22:59:44 +0200 )edit

I bought mine in Switzerland at Digitec and renewed my Swisscom contract (Natel Infinity M) for another 12 months. The Xperia X cost me Fr. 67.--.

Venty ( 2017-07-17 16:09:29 +0200 )edit

22 Answers

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answered 2017-07-18 11:16:33 +0200

L_A_G gravatar image

updated 2017-10-09 12:54:58 +0200

Verkkokauppa.com has the F5121 model in stock at 299.90€

A word of warning thou: They don't have many left and the last time they were restocked was in late April so once stock runs out they're not going to be restocked on account of Sony abandoning the whole mid segment. Only other store I could find with it in stock was ProShop and they charge 80€ more for the same device.

Edit:Seems like I was wrong about availability at Verkkokauppa.com as they today got another shipment of more than 25 devices (they don't specify exact numbers if it's more than 25).

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Yes, the stock was at -25 earlier today so they must have received more than 50 phones. Maybe a good time to place an order =)

olli ( 2017-07-21 22:31:41 +0200 )edit

why buy new as once you've flashed it with SFOS you will have invalidated any warranty so as I see it you may as well buy one cheaper second-hand.

davekelly ( 2017-07-22 20:35:40 +0200 )edit

Good point , haven't ordered yet. Might as well wait for Sailfish release and see if I can find one used

olli ( 2017-07-23 15:29:44 +0200 )edit

@davekelly Apart from iPhones and other devices with locked bootloaders, that's just a common myth. The warranty may not apply to the new software, but the warranty still applies to the hardware. This is specially true of devices from manufacturers like Sony who have their own open source projects.

L_A_G ( 2017-07-24 10:39:59 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-07-15 22:57:24 +0200

mosen gravatar image

If you can only get or already have the dual sim versionF5122 the chances are high that you can flash the image nevertheless. At least flashing F5121 android image to dual sim version works as tested by user lantern.

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@mosen good to know, thanks !

ced117 ( 2017-07-16 03:25:54 +0200 )edit

that is great news as i have a old F5122. Now just pray for a full dual SIM support :).

BlaeX ( 2017-07-17 10:55:49 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-07-15 18:17:42 +0200

found_Irish gravatar image

How to identify model F5121 of Sony Xperia X?

Comparing F5121, F5121 USA and F5122 on gsmarena.com seems to give: F5121: Fingerprint (side-mounted), single SIM F5121 USA: Fingerprint (disabled, side-mounted), single SIM F5122: Dual SIM, Internal Mempory: 64 GB (not 32GB), Fingerprint (side-mounted)

Many shops seems to use their own model numbers, not F5121. Any danger of getting another (older) model of Xperia X?

Jolla also mentioned that the phone should be without operator lock.

Sony Xperia X seems to be available without subscription in Norway, at least from Net-on-net (Art.nr: 230084).

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I have seen a F5121 international dual sim version. Is that a typo on the sellers part? and it should be F5122?


DarkTuring ( 2017-08-07 18:17:18 +0200 )edit

Yes & yes.

olf ( 2017-08-26 04:34:54 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-08-25 23:56:43 +0200

olf gravatar image

updated 2017-08-26 05:05:33 +0200

For a Europe-wide price search you may use at Geizhals.eu (price comparison website) for the Sony Xperia X (Model F5121) in Black, White, Rose Gold and Lime Gold.

Amazon (like them or not) has plenty of Sony Xperia X (Model F5121) in all four colors (just change the "de" in the web links below to your Country Code, but it will still show the German version; for other country specific versions, you have to search for "Sony Xperia X" on your country specific Amazon website):

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answered 2017-09-07 12:39:06 +0200

CLR64 gravatar image

updated 2017-09-08 14:01:57 +0200

There is a new top price at amazon.it. 249€ for black and white. Unfortunately only the white can be ordered without prime. It can be ordered from many other countries like germany as well.

Update: Black can be ordered without prime as well. Mine has not been sent yet. But I'll stick to white. :D

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answered 2017-07-16 03:58:07 +0200

Raka gravatar image


China Taiwan - YES

China Hongkong - NOPE (F5122 Only)

China mainland - NOPE (Can get both on Taobao, unofficial price about 1400~1600 CNY = 180~205 EUR)

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answered 2017-08-07 09:23:09 +0200

Aga4io gravatar image

updated 2017-08-07 13:28:07 +0200

Australia: Yes (@rfa has already mentioned JB Hifi, but I'm listing alternatives).

Amazon.com (ships to Australia): $330AUD mobile, $10AUD shipping = $340AUD total.

BuyMobile.com.au: $370AUD mobile, $30AUD shipping = $400AUD total.

(P.S. I'm posting this as a comment because I don't have enough Karma to edit the wiki).

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answered 2017-08-07 09:42:20 +0200

ziellos gravatar image

On Amazon.de, there are used Xperias available, and you may select the desired condition. I recently bought one of them in condition "Gebraucht - Wie neu" (used - as new) for 225 EUR. Seller was Silverlinetrading, but shipping was by Amazon Germany.

It came in the original box with all accessories, original screen protector in place. No signs of usage, everything seems to work so far (with Android, of cause).

Since flashing Sailfish would break the phone's warranty anyway, buying a used one may be less of a problem. At least it was for me. Now I have a hard time waiting for the Sailfish image to become available...

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answered 2017-08-08 05:54:25 +0200

zagrimsan gravatar image

updated 2017-08-28 05:30:34 +0200

Quite many shops seem to list "Xperia X" devices with "manufacturer's model number" 1302-xxxx, which could help people confirming they are getting the right model as not all shops display F5121. Thanks for olf and pfbach for posting confirmations for this.

Some of the (Finnish) shops I just reviewed mention 1302-9422 as well as F5121 (Proshop) while most have only 1302-9422 but not F5121 explicitly mentioned (Verkkokauppa.com, Jimm's)

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According to Verkkokauppa.com's customer service their product is F5121: https://www.verkkokauppa.com/fi/questions/product/15954/gsbsd/

ierikho ( 2017-08-15 14:12:50 +0200 )edit

Yes, Sony model numbers 1302-xxxx seem to be Model F5121 for Europe or "International version".

It looks like the Sony model numbers 1303-xxxx are Model F5121 for the UK.

Note, that I have no clue what the trailing four digits denote.

olf ( 2017-08-26 04:40:16 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-08-26 15:03:57 +0200

pfbach gravatar image

For those who would like to have screen protector and a protective cover for the Sony Xperia X in Norway (NetOnNet):

  • ZAGG IS HD Dry Xperia X/X Performance Art.nr: 232046 NetOnNet

  • Sony Style Cover Clear Xperia X Art.nr: 232263 NetOnNet

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Hi, has anybody tested the Sony Style Cover? I am not sure about the looks but the functionality is interesting. The problem is the comment of the product stating it does not work well on the edges, which would not work well on SFOS.

Product comment https://www.verkkokauppa.com/fi/product/45234/hbbsf/Sony-Style-Cover-suojakotelo-ikkunalla-Sony-Xperia-X-musta

potski ( 2017-10-19 11:00:21 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2017-07-15 14:04:05 +0200

Seen: 14,448 times

Last updated: Feb 01 '18