Bug: If cover element fails to load, application doesn't exit when closed
When you assign an element to the cover property and its creation fails, the application does not exit when its window is closed.
This can be reproduced with the following minimal example:
import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
ApplicationWindow {
cover : Qt.resolvedUrl("Foo.qml")
initialPage: Page {
Button {
text: "Hello world!"
anchors.centerIn: parent
NOTE: The must be no "Foo.qml in the same folder as this QML file.
You can either place it to /usr/share and run it with sailfish-qml or running it directly with qmlscene from somewhere else. Both exhibit the same behavior - even after the window is closed, the application is still running and needs to be killed, for example with ctrl+c, to get back to the shell.
This could be quite a serious issue - I've managed to get several invisible qmlscenes running in the background, consuming a considerable amount of resources.
A sidenote: Setting the cover to a non-existing component also makes the cover transparent. The same effect can be achieved by setting the cover to null:
cover : null
This also makes the cover transparent but is not affected by the shutdown bug.
i did not find this "sailfish-qml" you're speaking of, but i did find "qmlscene". in what package is this file?
AL13N ( 2014-01-19 14:55:17 +0200 )editYou mean where does the sailfish-qml program come from ? IMHO it is the recommended program for running QML applications. As for which package it is in:
Plese note that when you want to run a file with sailfish-qml, it needs to be in this format:
And you run it like this:
But qmlscene can run a QML file directly:
Still regardless if you use one or the other, you should be able to reproduce the cover bug.
MartinK ( 2014-01-19 15:38:16 +0200 )edit