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Mer SDK - stuck at "Mounting system directories..."

asked 2017-08-14 20:44:25 +0200

ThE_MarD gravatar image

updated 2017-08-14 23:26:13 +0200

Heyyo, so I have been trying to setup the Mer SDK and I followed the instructions for the HADK 1.1.2 and I get as far as setting up the Mer SDK and I type SDK I get "Mounting system directories..." and it never progresses further than that...

I've tried with Ubuntu 16.04.3 and Fedora 26 and both get stuck at that same point... I've made sure to setup $MER_ROOT=$HOME/mer on both the .hadk.env and when setting up the Mer SDK she still won't get past "Mounting system directories..."

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong or missing?


I double checked everything and re-ran sdk and now I'm getting farther but getting this message:

themard@ubuntu:~$ sdk
[sudo] password for themard: 
Mounting system directories...
mount: mount /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc on /home/themard/mer/sdks/sdk/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc failed: Host is down
Directory /var/run/dbus is missing in SDK root - please report this bug
Mounting / as /parentroot
Mounting home directory: /home/themard
Entering chroot as themard
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3 Answers

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answered 2017-08-16 11:14:54 +0200

pigg gravatar image

My sfossdk _always_ hangs mounting after first boot ... i ctrl-c, and run it again and it works.

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answered 2017-08-16 18:17:09 +0200

martyone gravatar image

Please try running ls /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc -a before you enter the SDK first time after reboot if this fixes the error message about binfmt_misc.

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answered 2017-08-19 01:51:29 +0200

ThE_MarD gravatar image

updated 2017-08-19 01:53:18 +0200

So for future reference for anyone else with this error? I found that doing source $HOME/.mersdkubu.profile solves this issue for me with Ubuntu 17.10 which I was testing with when I decided to try and recreate this issue. I then also had a dbus error and exiting and reentering sdk fixed it

themard@ubuntu:~$ sdk
Mounting system directories...
themard@ubuntu:~$ source $HOME/.mersdkubu.profile
Env setup for x2
HABUILD_SDK [x2] themard@ubuntu:~$ sdk
Mounting system directories...
Directory /var/run/dbus is missing in SDK root - please report this bug
Mounting / as /parentroot
Mounting home directory: /home/themard
Entering chroot as themard
Env setup for x2
MerSDK themard@ubuntu:~$ exit
HABUILD_SDK [x2] themard@ubuntu:~$ sdk
Mounting system directories...
Mounting / as /parentroot
Mounting home directory: /home/themard
Entering chroot as themard
Env setup for x2
MerSDK themard@ubuntu:~$
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Asked: 2017-08-14 20:44:25 +0200

Seen: 490 times

Last updated: Aug 19 '17