Aptoide no notification on updates
asked 2017-09-01 12:06:18 +0200
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Hello - for J1 - not Jolla C. I have discovered that for my Jolla 1 no updtes are being adviced through aptoide after last update of Sailfish to I did not react initially but found out that my Jolla C recieved update information but not my J1. Searched and found by this manual way that indeed some apps in J1 has updates - however otherwise no notification under update menu in aptoide/android store. I cannot see that I have fone any error.
Could sfos upgrade be problem? Could possible failed update of some android app caused this?
edit Reinstallation solved the problem
Same thing on Jolla C on Luckly not something critical.
Shimku ( 2017-09-01 15:59:58 +0200 )edit