2017-11-01 20:18:22 +0200
i've the same problem. I can't open email messages at Sailfish own email application after update. I see old and new messages, pull-up menu works and I can delete or move messages to different folders, but not open them.
Tried also to delete and re-install email account but no effect to problem.
I still have the Jolla 1 and was satisfied so far.
If i type jolla-email on terminal the following lines are showed.
SailfishOS (Kiiminkijoki) (armv7hl)
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
[W] unknown:0 - Could not find any zN.M subdirs!
[W] unknown:0 - Theme dir "usr/share/themes/jolla-ambient/meegotouch/z1.0/" does not exist
[D} unknown:0 - Messaging : opening database
[D] unknown:0 - void EmailAgent::onOnlineStateChanged(bool) Online State changed, device is now connected ? true
[D] unknown:0 - Network connection established, but no action in the queue.
[W] unknown:0 -
WARNING: this project is using the experimental OML API extensions for QtWebKit and is therfore tied to a specific QtWebKit relase
WARNING: The expe3rimental API will change from version to version, or even be removed. You have been warned!
Does anyone have an idea to fix the bug. t's annoying that you can't use the app anymore.
If you have a terminal, you can run the application from command line with
Damien Caliste ( 2017-10-03 21:43:19 +0200 )editjolla-email
and see what are the error messages.Assuming correct you also may have tried power down/up your device? Which device by the way?
reakolia ( 2017-10-11 00:58:01 +0200 )editHow to install update
rage ( 2017-11-02 16:43:34 +0200 )editif you are not in ea group, either subscribe or use terminal
pawel ( 2017-11-02 18:59:33 +0200 )editSorry I am new here. Can someone answer following questions or at least give me some pointers: - Where can I find the update - How can I install this update?
rage ( 2017-11-03 09:56:52 +0200 )edit