DS Photo - save pictures not working
Hi There,
I loaded the DS Photo app from aptiode and while the app itself works fine. When trying to safe a picture to the phone, a quick „saved to phone gallery“ or similar shows up. But checking the gallery app itself, the pictures are nowhere to be found. Tried also the downloads folder with the file browser app.
Anybody know if this feature/function is even supposed to work. Do i need to change a setting or so?
It is helpful to tell the world which device and OS you are using, do this with tags, like you have added a 'bug' tag, do the same for device and os.
Regarding the below answer about running tracker; there are three options for tracker and to the best of my knowledge, they are all safe to execute.
tracker reset -e
(--soft) ~ Same as --hard but the backup & journal are restored after re starttracker reset -r
(--hard) ~ Kill all Tracker processes and remove all databasestracker reset -c
(--config) ~ Remove all configuration files so they are re-generated on next startGenerally speaking, when a photo is taken, it should find its way into the Pictures folder in /home/nemo/, same with screen shots but that is Sailfish, so as the OP says below, check in android_storage for the pics....you won't find snapped pics in Downloads (Sailfish), that makes no sense.
Spam Hunter ( 2017-10-13 12:58:00 +0200 )editMy apologies, I saw the „bug“ tag and the other two. But missed the option to add more
EDIT: I tried them all, none of the pictures show up in the gallery app
duque ( 2017-10-13 19:59:56 +0200 )edit