anyone experienced this dual sim issues on release version

asked 2017-10-17 15:50:20 +0200

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updated 2017-10-17 15:50:20 +0200

TheOwlEye gravatar image

Issues with Dual sim aquafish. 1. The Bluetooth gets connected to the car but does not work with Sim2. So when sim2 selected can't make calls on Bluetooth in the car. 2. On Bluetooth when one makes a call out using Sim1 as default the phone used sim2 instead and got billed for the call. 3. Weather display on the home screen does not connect to internet.

In all above cases restarting the phone does not help.

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As I wrote there, my car connected to SIM2 for the first time ever (Jolla C). I didn't make or receive any calls so I don't know whether that would have been a problem.

DaveRo ( 2017-10-17 17:12:08 +0200 )edit

You could have Sim1 as your default sim. But receive a call on Sim2 would that then be picked on the Bluetooth in your car ? It does, which is how it should behave given your car system is independent of the phone.

Reading your post so sharing my thoughts, while you cannot change the default Sim from your car system, however, you can change it from the phone. You still use the same contact list. So when you make a call it should be able to route the call from Sim2 i would imagine and the bluetooth should just reroute the voice to the car if connected.

TheOwlEye ( 2017-10-17 18:59:57 +0200 )edit

I don't have SIM1 as default because, although I normally call with it, the coverage is poor. If there's no coverage on SIM1 when I want to call, and SIM1 is default, then it's complicated to call on SIM2 instead. (SIM1 is cheap, SIM2 is not.)

I hadn't thought about it before, but if a make a call via the car, which (until today) has always shown SIM1, then it calls using SIM1. It doesn't ask.

DaveRo ( 2017-10-17 19:55:09 +0200 )edit