[bug] Sailfish X display turns off while holding pulley menu [released]
When you press power button on Xperia X so you get the screen on (with lock code) or just the screen with time and date (whatever it is called). There is the pulley menu with 3 programmable choices for action. When I pull that menu down and hold it pulled, it will disappear after short time (maybe 8 seconds?). I feel that this is a bug, because a smart phone should be smart enough to wait although user would be slow/dumb one :-)
Interesting... The same thing occurs, when swipe to left/right is started but not released, aka. finger held in place instead.
I'm not sure if it is a bug or a feature, but to be this is a good thing: it helps in the helpless fight against pocket calls... I vote for feature, actually :)
Direc ( 2017-10-18 00:18:14 +0200 )editHappens also on J1 with If the screen turns black during a sideways swipe, you will be taken directly to the home screen or notifications screen the next time you wake up the phone, so it's at least partly a bug.
luen ( 2017-10-18 01:27:52 +0200 )editI also note that in the lockscreen shortcuts it should open, say a camera or browser but not let you access cookies, history previously taken photos, it should not ask you for the lock code but allow launchjng of pulley shortcuts for creating new photos (just like iOS does) or websites without saving anything (essentially that shortcut with locked phone will always take you to browser privacy tab) - probably slighly beyond the posted topic but somewhat related to locking security balanced by quick actions, balanced by preventing of pocket gallery show of last night at your mistresses house series.
XFish ( 2017-10-18 05:03:39 +0200 )edit@XFish Great comment, and I agree how the behaviour should be. That is a separate issue, so please consider searching for a related question or asking a new one. :)
Direc ( 2017-10-18 14:36:02 +0200 )editIt happens with all my Saifish devices, so I don't consider it a bug.
Actually I consider it a delibrate misuse by the user, I see no real use for making gestures so slowly. You either want to unlock the device or commit some action, or not. If you are too slow, well it's your own fault.
juiceme ( 2017-10-18 17:51:43 +0200 )edit