[Sailfish X] Does it support USB OTG?
it looks like the XPERIA X supports USB OTG at least under Android. So you can e.g. plug in your USB pen drive to the phone.
Is this also working in Sailfish X?
Cheers, KRM
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it looks like the XPERIA X supports USB OTG at least under Android. So you can e.g. plug in your USB pen drive to the phone.
Is this also working in Sailfish X?
Cheers, KRM
I just verified, that USB OTG works flawlessly with an USB keyboard (just typing on it). Mouse does however not work.
Cheers, KRM
USB OTG works perfectly on the Xperia X with Sailfish X. With this device (https://www.inline-info.com/en/products/adapter-converter/otg-card-reader/9614/inline-otg-card-reader-and-hub-with-3x-usb-2.0-ports?number=66775) I had two usb memory sticks and one keyboard connected at the same time. USB sticks are not auto-mounted, so they need to be mounted manually.
DK-Sailor ( 2017-10-21 20:15:03 +0200 )editNo. Plus ten characters.
EDIT: tried with various file systems (NTFS, BTRFS, FAT, LUKS). Successful with FAT32 only.
EDIT again: (to be confirmed) apparently only with partitions <= 48 Gbytes.
Did someone try in CSD tool? In change log of 1.1.7 is mentioned:
csd - [usbotg] Add new test page to verify usb-otg functionality.
KRM ( 2017-10-20 13:14:27 +0200 )editDo you had to install any additional packages to make it work (edit: so that you can use an USB keyboard)? My Xperia X running Lapuanjoki won't recognize my adapter (which works with android devices)...
Or is USB OTG that poorly standardized (e.g. like Bluetooth) so that it is very hard to implement correctly, i.e., it's just luck whether it works with your stuff?
usbstick-utils from openrepos: https://openrepos.net/content/ferlanero/usb-stick-utils-automount-exfat-support Otherwise you have to mount manually via terminal.
leszek ( 2018-03-22 01:13:43 +0200 )editSorry, I was too imprecise, obviously. I'm referring to using USB keyboards, not storage devices.
Not even the LED of my adapter lights up on Sailfish, so I suspect there's something missing on the software side of Sailfish which allows to correctly negotiate the OTG mode with my adapter.
takimata ( 2018-03-22 11:06:26 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2017-10-20 09:56:50 +0200
Seen: 3,268 times
Last updated: Mar 22 '18
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