2014-09-18 08:39:13 +0200
We did consider turning off the led if proximity sensor is covered. But then it would be quite possible to miss the indication if the device sitting on a table gets the proximity sensor obstructed by papers, monitors, cables, etc.
Extra power consumption from blinking in pocket was deemed lesser of the two evils.
@simo: No settings ui for this, but there is "master toggle" that will disable/enable most of the led patterns from command line:
- mcetool --disable-led
- mcetool --enable-led
@Tanghus: Initially the proximity blanking during calls used raw proximity state. That combined with relatively long time it takes to power up/down the display & touch meant that short uncovering of the proximity sensor could lead in to touch events from ear/chin getting through. Since then this has been changed so that: covering the sensor -> blank asap, uncovering the sensor -> wait a while to see if it stays uncovered before unblanking. Also if the display is powered up while it is touched, the input stays blocked until touch end is detected. While it is still possible to get unwanted touch events, it is better than what it used to be.
I've heard from sevaral others that the proximity sensor isn't sensitive enough, like triggering actions with the chin.
Tanghus ( 2014-01-19 15:56:46 +0200 )edit