Working solutions for Instant messaging?
asked 2017-10-29 10:43:32 +0200
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Here I want to collect solutions for IM that use the protocol and work in SailfishOS, or can be expected to work soon. I haven't tested any of them, so I'm just listing approaches I know about so far and hope some people can report usage experience in the answers Here's the information I've collected about the topic so far:
Matrix-plugin for libpurple, which somehow works with Sailfish's built-in Telepathy implementation.
Sailfish version of Tensor, a Qt-based matrix client (separate TJC-thread here), a full-blown implementation of Matrix-based messaging, including video call via WebRTC. Currently only Android and web clients. Has anyone tried it under Sailfish?
Telepathy-Tank is a Matrix-connector for Telepathy using libQuotient. More presentation and screenshots here.
Keep in mind Matrix is not just text messages. It supports file sharing, conferences. In your answers, please include which features are supported by the solution you mention. Encryption is also a topic of interest, of course. Ideally, we would get a solution that is as full-featured as, including voice and video calls! In, that's accomplished by including WebRTC functionality that uses Matrix as a signalling layer.
Feel free to add other things you find, and of course report your experiences!
We have a working client only we have some work to do for it would be compleed.
Xray2000 ( 2017-10-29 15:10:20 +0200 )edit@Xray2000 i'll work with the libqmatrixclient developer and see if we can get the latest library in there, it would also be better to set that up as a git submodule in the project
r0kk3rz ( 2017-10-29 17:54:06 +0200 )editIf you could integrate it into the Sailfish messages app that would be perfect. The greatest feature for me is to have all conversations in one place (SMS, XMPP, Matrix, whatever the future may bring).
inta ( 2017-10-29 20:16:44 +0200 )edit@r0kk3rz that would be great thanks!!!
Xray2000 ( 2017-10-29 23:11:36 +0200 )edit@Xray2000, why don't you put it in an answer for better visibility? Please mention which features of Matrix you plan to support.
bennypr0fane ( 2017-10-30 19:11:52 +0200 )edit