[bug] Xperia - certain bluetooth devices always listed as nearby
Some bluetooth devices are permanently listed as "nearby" in bt-settings and can not be deleted by UI means once they are discovered. In my case, i picked up a random device while scanning for my pebble in public. Longpress on the MAC-adress to delete did not work.
Thanks to user lanterns hint at TMO i was able to delete the persistant MAC adress entry by deleting the MAC adresses folder from /var/lib/bluetooth/MY-DEVICES-MAC/...
rm -R /var/lib/bluetooth/*MY-DEVICES-MAC*/*MAC-IN-QUESTION*/
User Heik reports the same bug. In his case a failed pair attempt left the devices MAC listed in "nearby" permanently.
eson ( 2017-10-29 22:00:06 +0200 )edit@eson from failed pairing or randomly during discovery mode?
mosen ( 2017-10-29 22:10:24 +0200 )edit@mosen Same as you, during discovery mode and listed as "nearby".
eson ( 2017-10-30 06:20:47 +0200 )editConfirming, with Sony Xperia X and Sailfish
I'd like to add that I had two devices; one with a mac, one with a name shown. In this case I had to look into file
inside each directory. In the end I used this approach for each MAC address folder until I got the name I wanted:Oh yeah. You have to turn bluetooth off and on again in order for those removed device(s) to go away from the Bluetooth settings.
Direc ( 2018-02-28 21:14:48 +0200 )editthe OS is the hit too keplerian OS based on freebsd. By every device a new os...
cemoi71 ( 2018-08-03 12:15:31 +0200 )editI think they aren't busy, they need occupation.
Should work on safety and security, then they have enough material ;-)