Bluetooth keyboard pairing problems

asked 2017-10-31 13:27:28 +0200

marsch gravatar image

Hi all,

I just noticed pairing to my Lenovo bluetooth keyboard (KT-1255, rev W01) doesn't work anymore.

I didn't use it for a while with my Jolla, however it always did it's job without any complaints - like it still does with other devices.

So my conclusion is that something in the bluetooth stack or it's adaption changed the behaviour. I'm running Kiiminkijoki ( currently.

I can find the keyboard, but the pairing dialog takes quite long, ending with an "Problem with pairing. The other device did not respond to the pairing request" message.

Does anybody experience something similar? Thank you.

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possibly related to my issue pairing with my car.

does your keyboard require pairing using a pin? for me, using bluez5, i am never prompted to enter the pin code, it jist fails. pairing newer devices like a pebble watch works fine.

pigg ( 2017-11-01 10:56:30 +0200 )edit