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[BUG] SD card gets mounted with insufficient permissions on Sailfish X

asked 2017-11-05 13:58:50 +0300

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updated 2017-11-07 14:38:05 +0300

Filip K. gravatar image


Flashed a Sony Xperia X, put Sailfish X on it and so far the only real glitch encountered is that the SD card gets mounted with insufficient permissions for user Nemo to write on it.

Likewise, it failed to mount a 32 GB VFAT SD card.

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Unfortunately same thing applies to JollaC - SD card formatted EXT4 gets mounted without write permissions

ehakkarainen ( 2017-11-05 15:05:45 +0300 )edit

Needed to chown nemo.nemoto my /media/sdcard/blahblah after upgrade on my JollaC. All other files inside were correct.

Directory ist media_rw and it is media_rw again after reboot! (Jolla1 btrfs sdcard)

cy8aer ( 2017-11-05 18:21:37 +0300 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2017-11-05 15:10:14 +0300

Walter van Holst gravatar image

The quick solution is to do a su-devel chown nemo:nemo /media/sdcard/[SD card id] but this shouldn't be necessary and provides an insurmountable hurdle for a normal user.

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Yeah. I did chown nemo.nemoto my /media/sdcard/MY_ID over root ssh and reboot. Not nice.

Filip K. ( 2018-02-27 01:54:32 +0300 )edit
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Asked: 2017-11-05 13:58:50 +0300

Seen: 349 times

Last updated: Nov 05 '17