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SailfishOS @Fosdem 2018 [answered]

asked 2017-11-08 13:31:08 +0200

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updated 2018-02-03 12:20:47 +0200

James gravatar image


FOSDEM gives great chance to meet face to face, have a chinwag, discuss state of affairs and clear the air in general :)

Every year we had a BoF and community dinner in Brussels on the FOSDEM's Saturday evening, let's do this again.

Please upvote if you will attend at each respective event, and I sure hope to see you there \o/

Community round-table

The roundtable will be at 14:30 a meetup in BOF room (location will be announced). If you have questions please add them to the meetup post Thanks.

UPDATE: Location is now at BoF, room H.3227 TIME: 14:30 Brussels time (13:30 UTC)

if you can't make it don't worry there are plans to live podcast also you can join IRC #mer-meeting :)

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The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, an answer was accepted" by Nokius
close date 2018-02-05 17:35:01.137896



It's free to attend, which is nice :)

Spam Hunter ( 2017-11-08 13:35:08 +0200 )edit

any news? talks, dinner?

netvandal ( 2018-01-21 23:34:40 +0200 )edit

Jolla hasn't made an official announcement here but in the meeting of today they said that they will hold the next meeting in FOSDEM the BoF room (14:30)

Dylan Van Assche ( 2018-01-25 18:33:28 +0200 )edit

Anyway I'll be there, hopefully meeting some of you sailors. Sailme app is updated with this year schedule. Michele

netvandal ( 2018-01-27 14:13:40 +0200 )edit

Hi. I'm not sure if I can meet you guys at the start, but I might get there for the deserts as my plane is landing late afternoon ;-)

ashnazir ( 2018-01-29 16:17:04 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2018-02-05 17:34:05 +0200

Nokius gravatar image

Thanks everyone for the great weekend and the nice dinner

see you next year

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answered 2018-02-01 20:39:38 +0200

Nokius gravatar image

All seat are gone. Sorry if you are to late. I will send now the restaurant our order wishes

I'm looking forward to see you all in the next two days


Yes there will be a dinner this year \o/

A table for 20 has been reserved for 19:30 Saturday 03.02.
Please reserve below a seat for you and your plusone, so we can get more seats if needed.

This year we moved to another location

La Kasbah (Moroccan cuisine)

Antoine Dansaertstraat 20
1000 Brussel

The menu (should be a good affordable place for everyone)

Please select (if possible) your main choice from the menu and add it after your name. Thanks The Restaurant asked us that so we'll not DDoS their kitchen :)

* please reserve your spot below.*

  1. Nokius (Tajine of lamb with raisin, onions and sesame seeds )
  2. stephg (Tajine of chicken with preserved lemon and olives)
  3. jvd_ (Skewer kasbah Skewer of lamb, chicken, Oriental sausage)
  4. r0kk3rz (Tajine of chicken with vegetables)
  5. eekkelund (Skewer kasbah Skewer of lamb, chicken, Oriental sausage)
  6. Ygriega (Skewer kasbah Skewer of lamb, chicken, Oriental sausage)
  7. alterego (Skewer kasbah Skewer of lamb, chicken, Oriental sausage)
  8. Stskeeps (Skewer kasbah Skewer of lamb, chicken, Oriental sausage)
  9. bobsummerwill
  10. tadzik (Skewer kasbah (grill))
  11. veskuh (Tajine of lamb with prunes and grilled almonds)
  12. abranson
  13. sledges (Tajine of lamb with prunes and grilled almonds)
  14. ljo (starter: carrot sallad, main: large mezze, desert: festival of sorbet)
  15. RodSeq (Tajine of lamb with prunes and grilled almonds)
  16. cybette (Tajine of chicken with prunes, almonds and sesame seeds)
  17. JayBeRayBearGun (Grill Skewer kasbah Skewer of lamb, chicken, etc.)
  18. Ashiq Nazir (Tajine of Kefta minced meat, tomatoes sauce)
  19. anidel / Aniello Del Sorbo (Couscous - Skewer kasbah (mixed))
  20. quatrox (skewer of lamb)

* please don't miss your cash (you mean bring cash?) *

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Asked: 2017-11-08 13:31:08 +0200

Seen: 2,842 times

Last updated: Feb 05 '18