[SOLVED] Random shutdowns with Sailfish X [answered]
Hi everyone,
I snagged an Xperia X a couple of weeks ago and flashed SailfishOS onto it. Since then I've noticed a frequent problem where the phone will completely shut down without warning, and sometimes it'll refuse to switch back on until I plug it in.
It doesn't seem to matter what apps are open at the time, except that it only seems to do it when the screen is blanked (It's never actually happened when I'm holding the phone and fiddling with it).
My usage isn't ridiculously heavy - I usually have IRC and music player open, and occasionally a web browser tab or two.
I did have LPM enabled by mcetool but I've disabled that (just in case!)
[EDIT - SOLVED] This issue was solved by returning the device and getting it repaired. Doesn't seem to be a Sailfish issue!
i experience random shutdowns/lipstick restarts when in use, with Android/SFOS apps running, often when using Flipboard, the Browser or graphics heavy sites, probably due to running out of memory or CPU is my guess.
DarkTuring ( 2017-11-09 23:16:08 +0200 )editI do have Alien Dalvik set to start on boot, and don't disable it, but I rarely leave Android apps running for any length of time.
Piece_Maker ( 2017-11-10 01:48:36 +0200 )edit