Karma system: Just a thought to be considered
asked 2014-01-20 16:38:40 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
The way, the karma system is used in this forum, it mixes up 2 totally different, contradicting concepts -- to the disadvantage of us all:
- Karma has been introduced as a mechanism to ensure quality.
- Voting is used as a mechanism to find out what users want (and to what extend, most users most urgently or is it rather a minority being interested in that feature / debugging that bug etc.)
This means: People get most karma for posting feature requests etc. that have majority appeal -- within the current forum community. People mainly do not get karma for ensuring quality of this forum (e.g. by tidying up, providing HowTos, giving useful comments). But Karma is required for certain quality improvement tasks.
(Community wiki, no karma earned through voting.)
I suppose both the community and the sailors could provide enough positive feedback for users working for the quality of the service, so their "karma" can just be seen in a different form :) For some the karma points might matter, for some not at all, so could it be concidered as "let it be?".
By the way, could some karma points be given for voting? It would be nice to encourage more voting in overall, this beeing one option - also enabling the gathering of the needed points.
simo ( 2014-01-20 17:55:36 +0200 )edit@simo: "sailors could provide enough positive feedback for users". The problem is: You need 75/500 karma points for several functions. You cannot even close your own question without the required minimum of karma (don't know, how much this is). 3/4 of the community did not even reach 75, <10% reached 500 points. If karma would not create this barrier, I would not be concerned.
jgr ( 2014-01-20 18:59:10 +0200 )edit@jgr ok, the limit is quite high considering new users entering the portal now... Is this points for voting possible @eric?
simo ( 2014-01-20 19:04:40 +0200 )editI have to correct myself: The 75/500 points I remembered from some other thread. The FAQ actually gives a more detailed info, max. required is 200 points.
jgr ( 2014-01-21 02:18:43 +0200 )edit