Speedtest Network for Sailfish
Hello to all, I tried to look in openrepos, but I do not think I found it. Is there a speedtest for Sailfish?
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Hello to all, I tried to look in openrepos, but I do not think I found it. Is there a speedtest for Sailfish?
@vattuvarg Thanks so much! I did not know that Netradar was also a speedtest. I'm trying it and it does not seem bad! :-)
mercurio ( 2018-01-18 16:35:33 +0200 )edityou can use website http://openspeedtest.com/ in webbrowser.
Love great for parsing VPN server lists and check for netwirl latency.
DarkTuring ( 2018-01-18 05:11:25 +0200 )editcurl -Lo speedtest-cli https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/master/speedtest.py
chmod +x speedtest-cli
Which one?
Iperf is a tool to test network speed between two computers. Not ported to sailfish, afaik.
Speedtest-cli is a well known python script that connects to the closest speedtest.net server and measures download and upload speed. Just try it out on the command line.
johanh ( 2018-01-18 16:50:47 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2018-01-17 20:43:31 +0200
Seen: 882 times
Last updated: Jan 18 '18
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which kind of speed?
h.berd ( 2018-01-17 21:01:28 +0200 )editMhmm right ... that fool! ... excuse me! I mean the speed of internet, wifi and not.
mercurio ( 2018-01-17 22:02:58 +0200 )editUnfortunately there is no native app for that yet. I'm using android application called speedtest by Ookla. That seems works fine.
Jk ( 2018-01-17 22:27:58 +0200 )edit