2018-03-04 20:23:49 +0200
A couple of people have commented in this topic that downgrading to a previous version of the Wire app is no longer a way of getting it to work. This suggests to me that Wire might have changed something server-side that requires the current version of the app. This means that those of us who were using Wire on Sailfish have reached the end of the line, temporarily at least.
In an ideal world, someone would write a native Sailfish client for Wire, but I think that if anyone was planning to to that, we would have heard about it by now, if not here, then on the Sailfish OS forum of TMO. I also don't hold out any hope that the Wire developers will revert any of the changes that they have made recently that stopped Wire working completely for us: that would involve them putting in extra work to support a partial implementation of an obsolete platform (i.e. Alien Dakvik's support for Android 4.x without Google Play Services). IMHO the best chance of getting Wire functionality back is with this year's work by Jolla on Android support. To give this the best chance of happening we need to make some noise, both with Jolla and Wire. My own efforts so far have been my Wishlist for Android support in 2018 (which was motivated by the Wire problems) and my original TLS issue at GitHub.
I am going to close the github issue and open a new, more general one. Please keep contributing to the discussion, in particular to keeping SailfishOS on Wire's radar: I suspect that they know very little about it, other than what they have heard from me and @jsommer
Edit: here is my new issue on Wire's GitHub repo for the Android app:
Maybe same issue as this one
which also seems to be a network thing. (Funny though that in the case of A1TV only parts of the app stay offline)
I also have an old app for reading dilbert that now claims the server is unreachable. I'm not sure, though, if in this case it's just the app that's too old. Need to install it on a real Android device.
ossi1967 ( 2018-02-28 09:57:34 +0200 )editWire bug confirmed (Xperia/SailfishX).
To read Dilbert comics, install Daily Comics (
objectifnul ( 2018-02-28 12:21:31 +0200 )editfetch any older version of wire from uptodown.
Moo-Crumpus ( 2018-02-28 12:54:31 +0200 )edit@Moo-Crumpus: you can actually download older releases from the Wire homepage. Just change the release in the URL.
Note: This APK has a different signature than Playstore!
I think thats preferable to uptodown (I generally don't trust 3rd party markets too much). The version on Aptoide is ancient, by the way.
rozgwi ( 2018-02-28 13:08:37 +0200 )edit@rozgwi Great tip about downloading apk's direct from Wire. Are the available version numbers the same as the tags on github or do you have another source for them?
I don't see an ancient version on Aptoide, btw. It looks like the same version as on the Google Play Store to me:
Anyway, Wire is a problematic app on SFOS: it doesn't work properly or even at all with Alien Dalvik unless you also install Google Play Services (which takes away part of the point of not using Android in the first place). I'm hoping that either the improved Android support for SFOS later this year will help, or maybe someone will write a native SFOS client. (I'd love to write one myself, but don't have the time.) This is a pity: it is the only app of its type that I have found that:
- is similarly-featured to WhatsApp
- is palatable to non-techies who are used to WhatsApp
- has a reasonable stance on privacy.
pakman ( 2018-02-28 18:35:14 +0200 )edit