Can't connect to eduroam

asked 2018-03-06 19:21:55 +0200

rafael859 gravatar image

As far as I know, eduroam support has been added a few releases ago, but I haven't been able to connect to my University's network. I have also tried to use this guide, but no results. The settings on my laptop are:

  • Security: WPA & WPA2 Enterprise
  • Authentication: Tunneled TLS
  • Anonymous identity: [blank]
  • Domain: noc.[university].edu
  • No CA certificate is required [checked]
  • Inner authentication: PAP
  • Username: [username]
  • Password: [password]

Thank you!

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Did you use the manual method with the configuration file before eduroam was officially supported? I had to disable Wi-Fi, remove the eduroam configuration from the system settings, remove the configuration file (in /var/lib/connman/wifi_eduroam.config), enable Wi-Fi again, and only then I could get it to work by filling in the details from the connection dialog.

(And don't forget the username should be, I always forget that.)

nthn ( 2018-03-06 20:05:07 +0200 )edit

@nthn I did try to use the manual method before eduroam was officially supported, although it did not work. I removed the configuration files, as well as removed it from the system settings. Just to be sure, I checked again now. I use the same credentials as on my laptop, so that shouldn't be an issue. One possible problem might be that my password contains an exclamation mark, and I don't know how well connman may handle special characters.

rafael859 ( 2018-03-06 20:48:48 +0200 )edit

I am using (the Jolla version) on F5121 and I believe eduroam works for me. I can check more details later today if you wish (G-thanks to McGill admins that one is not allowed to log-in to eduroam at McGill using McGill account... but I have another university around the corner from home)

Honza ( 2018-03-07 07:58:11 +0200 )edit

@Honza thanks! I don't think it's a general issue with SailfishOs though, as I understand other users haven't had this issue, I thought there might be some problem in combination with the way that my University's IT have configured the network.

rafael859 ( 2018-03-08 05:54:45 +0200 )edit

No worries. I have tested today on my way to work. Actually, for some (at least to me) unknown reason, the OS first deleted my eduroam setting, and then asked me to enter the credentials. BTW, I think I have not used eduroam on the phone after I updated to . But after entering the credentials, it works. Also I'm using 802.1x to connect to internal McGill wifi, and that one worked all the time with no issue.

Honza ( 2018-03-09 00:19:06 +0200 )edit