aliendalvik seem to consume more power after update
My battery on xperiax is running down quite fast after the update. If I switch off aliendalvic, all is ok. I have only whatsapp running as background app.
Does anybody have the same behavior?
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My battery on xperiax is running down quite fast after the update. If I switch off aliendalvic, all is ok. I have only whatsapp running as background app.
Does anybody have the same behavior?
Same here! Before update I needed to recharge in two days intervall. Now the phone does not reach second day lunchtime :(
Do the developers not us sailfish phones? I can't understand why nobody of them recognized this before release? And even worse, we need to wait months for any change :/
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Asked: 2018-03-10 00:35:34 +0200
Seen: 493 times
Last updated: Mar 10 '18
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Yep, here also. I can confirm the F5121 power consume has increased since the last update to combined with aliendalvik-
Rudge79 ( 2018-03-10 00:47:38 +0200 )editPower consumption is a lot worse with Xperia X. Can't tell what causes it, though. Could well be aliendalvik.
johanh ( 2018-03-11 00:24:01 +0200 )edityes, I have the same behavior. Is there any tool to trace the battery drain?
p1rat ( 2018-03-12 09:03:36 +0200 )editBattery Log available in the store is a very nice tool for battery monitoring. At least IMHO.
Filip K. ( 2018-03-14 16:35:48 +0200 )edit