OpenAL on SailfishOS not work [answered]
I try to use OpenAL library from official repos, but it not work, cant play any sound in SFOS. I build CAudio library. No errors when try use, it looks like it work, but no sounds.
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I try to use OpenAL library from official repos, but it not work, cant play any sound in SFOS. I build CAudio library. No errors when try use, it looks like it work, but no sounds.
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Asked: 2018-03-28 15:12:33 +0200
Seen: 299 times
Last updated: Jan 06 '19
Maybe you can raise this issue on the next community meeting ? There should be some Jolla developers present.
MartinK ( 2018-03-29 14:54:14 +0200 )editas i understand now, OpenAL library is depricated package, when i try validate my rpm...
sashikknox ( 2018-03-29 15:43:20 +0200 )edit