After lapuanjoki there are suddenly a lot of issues in Intex Aqua Fish.
asked 2018-04-04 16:11:08 +0200
This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
- Camera doesn't work.
- YouTube videos don't play on YouTube app. On native browser, however, the YouTube videos do play but there's no sound. Unfortunately the volume button has stopped working.
- Audio files and ringtones don't play (no sound output).
- Bluetooth has stopped working all of a sudden. In short I feel really down after the update. Could someone please help. Thanks in advance.
strange mine works fine, do you use openrepos?
Sanjeev ( 2018-04-04 17:04:37 +0200 )editsame, works for me
pisarz1958 ( 2018-04-04 17:32:51 +0200 )edittry to reset , if no other go
Sanjeev ( 2018-04-04 17:40:54 +0200 )editI also faced some strange problems like home screen getting restarted on changing ambiance. Performed factory reset, works fine now
Dharmendra63 ( 2018-04-04 19:02:41 +0200 )editNo issues for me. Using it daily.
m3x1m0m ( 2018-04-06 00:31:26 +0200 )edit