How big must be the backup?

asked 2018-04-10 10:35:42 +0300

Salvatore gravatar image

updated 2018-04-10 11:21:33 +0300

jiit gravatar image

Hi all, I have got a question about the size of the backup. If I do a backup with sailfish the tar file is only 2.9MB. I think that is to small to save all picture, videos, contacts, ... Can anybody help me?

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I don't have many picture on my phone and the backup is around 1,2 Go. So I agree, it is too small ... I think.

Cube ( 2018-04-10 11:02:17 +0300 )edit

Photo ; Video

The Backup function will only save those which as specifically in the internal flash storage. If you've moved your photo storage to the microSD card, the backup will not re-pack them into the tar that gets written on the SD card (for obvious reasons, as you already have them on the SD card)

DrYak ( 2018-04-10 13:30:13 +0300 )edit

True. I forgot this possibility ...

Cube ( 2018-04-10 15:59:46 +0300 )edit

Just look inside to confirm. Here is one of mine. As you can see, if you store all photos on SD card and clean your browser browser data, the size can be very low:

46K     Accounts
12M     Browser
32K     Calendar
80M     Gallery
1.0K    Media
6.0M    Messages
9.0K    Notes
716K    People
1.1M    Phone
Sthocs ( 2018-04-10 16:29:48 +0300 )edit