2018-04-25 23:28:17 +0200
This may be due to this incompatibility:
The transforms happen, but the z-index brings the back-face to the top.
If I add this userstyle:
div {z-index:auto!important}
then it shows the front-faces. (I'm using the Stylus addon in Firefox here, but it could be done with userContent.css in the SFOS browser.)
I don't know if the site now works correctly - I don't know how it's meant to behave. When is it suposed to show the backs of the cards?
Added after further investigation:
I'm not now convinced this bug applies. According to the bug description z-index does apply to 'positioned' elements, and an element is said to be positioned if its 'position' property has a value other than 'static'.
The computed style of one of these card backs as initially displayed is
HTML > BODY > DIV.content > DIV.main > DIV#cards > DIV.card-wrap selected > DIV.flipper show-front > DIV.card-back
position: absolute
backface-visibility: hidden
margin-*: 0px
transform: none
transform-style: flat
transition-duration: 0s
transition-property: all
z-index: 2
That doesn't change after the transforms caused by 'replace'. So the element
is positioned and the z-index applies - which puts it on top.
If this is correct it may still be a gecko bug but not that one. Or there's a bug in the site code. Or the bug may be in webkit and its derivatives - and Edge too!
There is at least one other z-index on the site so a better userstyle is
div.card-back {z-index:auto!important}
I amended my earlier userstyle below. Has anybody who knows how this game works tried it?
Added in answer to comment:
The Stylus addon allows you to specify which site a userstyle applies to, but if you can't use an addon you can specify it like this:
@-moz-document url-prefix(
/* Test: suppress effect of z-index on cards */
div.card-back {z-index:auto!important}
Note: This style was only to diagnose the problem. I don't know what other effects might result from knocking out z-index: it presumably serves some purpose.
Create a directory chrome in your SFOS browser profile and add the style into a text file userContent.css. I would do this on a PC and then copy the file across, but on the Jolla you could do:
mkdir .mozilla/mozembed/chrome/
nano .mozilla/mozembed/chrome/userContent.css
You can use userContent.css in all gecko browsers, BTW. On Jolla/Alien put it in
But Stylus works on Android and has the advantage that you can turn styles on and off easily.
Don't know much about this stuff, but I tested out of curiosity, and found that only the back side is shown on Jolla browser and also on Firefox Android browser, but on Webcat, (Sailfish app), and on Naked browser, (Android), it's working notmally...
Levone1 ( 2018-04-24 16:50:14 +0200 )editYou should use this thread: to report browser problems.
magullo ( 2018-04-26 11:50:44 +0200 )edit