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[release notes] 2.2.0 / Mouhijoki [released]

asked 2018-05-31 12:07:19 +0200

jovirkku gravatar image

updated 2018-07-02 10:33:51 +0200

This update, nicknamed Mouhijoki, introduces a new simpler single item view in Gallery and Camera app, adds fingerprint unlock support and emoji keyboard layout 😎👍👏. VPN and MDM have become more robust. Android Support has been updated for Xperia X and Jolla C devices. There are several improvements for Email app. Remorse timers can be swiped away to commit immediately. We have dropped continuous focus from Xperia X camera - the camera stays out of focus when it starts until you either tap or try to take a shot - but the pictures seem to be better focused now. Last but not least Sailfish X now officially supports the Xperia X dual SIM phone (F5122).

Many thanks to you our active contributors for your feedback and proposals!

Table of content

Update version history

  • 2018-05-31: was released to Early Access subscribers (Jolla devices and Xperia). The flashable image of F5122 is not yet available in the download repository.
  • 2018-06-07: was released to all Jolla customers having the following devices: Jolla1, Jolla C, Jolla Tablet, Xperia X (f5121 and f5122). Installable images for Xperia X devices are available at https://shop.jolla.com/downloads/ .

Size of update

The download size of the update depends on the device type and on the OS version currently in the device. Some typical values below:
- Jolla 1 from to 2.2.0: about 300 MB
- Jolla C from to 2.2.0: about 400 MB
- Xperia X from to 2.2.0: about 350 MB

NOTE: The download to Jolla 1, Jolla C and Jolla Tablet is known to be slow. Be patient and keep your device connected to a charger.

Release Highlights

This list contains examples of new features (and some bug fixes) added to SailfishOS compared to the previous release 2.1.4. The release notes of 2.1.4 can be found here: https://together.jolla.com/question/179223/release-notes-214-lapuanjoki/

Mouhijoki 2.2.0 adds the support for Sony Xperia X dual-SIM (model: F5122). Hence Sailfish X can be installed to this device, too. Renewed instructions for installing Sailfish OS to Sony Xperia X devices are here - covering Windows, Linux and Mac computers. The same instructions are valid for F5121 and F5122, however, there is a dedicated flashable image for each device model.

NOTE: If you have a Sony Xperia X dual SIM device (model F5122) running Sailfish X already, please install the official F5122 image of this update (by "flashing" the device - see chapter 6 in https://jolla.com/sailfishxinstall/). Do not try to update your device over-the-air, as your existing device software was never meant to be used in F5122 devices. Flashing the device with update now will ensure that it will work fine and that upcoming over-the-air updates can be installed successfully.

The new F5122 image is available from https://shop.jolla.com/downloads/ . Sign in with your Jolla account you used or purchasing the Sailfish X license.


  • Updated Android Support of Jolla C from version 1.0.69-1 to 1.0.89-1
  • Updated Android Support of Xperia X from version 1.0.85-1 to 1.0.89-1, fixing:
    • Memory leak fixed -- Android apps shouldn't run out of memory that often anymore.
    • Enhanced window handling and crash dialogs.
    • Application scaling in cases where Android runtime is preinstalled to the image.
    • Improvements to aliendalvik packaging (apkd and apkd-configs-home removed when Android Support not installed).
    • User is notified, if an Android application requires newer Android API than currently supported in Sailfish OS.
    • Progress and vibration are now honored on Android notifications.


  • Ambience switching made to a dialog with explicit save and cancel actions.


  • Audible notifications improved.
  • PulseAudio and its modules updated to version 11.1
  • Xperia X: USB audio enabled.


  • File transfer status can now be seen in Events View, too.


  • Context menu added to Calculator for copying results to the clipboard. From clipboard the result can be pasted to a message, email, note and so on.
  • Fixed layout on tablet.


  • Day view is opened now to a meaningful time (instead of midnight).
  • Ongoing sync has visual indication.
  • Event page start/end time styles adjusted.


  • Xperia X: Camera opens unfocused now.
  • Xperia X: Continuous focus replaced with autofocus - this helps to take better pictures.
  • New UI style on camera roll view.


  • Fixed time rounding bug on stoptimer.

CSD (built-in test tool)

  • GPS signal strengths provided. Different GPS satellites indicated (GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, etc.).
  • Device screen resolution and touch point coordinates are shown.

Developer mode

  • Detached from Jolla Account.
  • Security code needed to disable developer mode.

Device management (MDM)

  • API created for disabling mobile data on particular SIM cards.
  • API created for disabling SMS messaging per SIM card.
  • Added option to remote wipe API for erasing the data on the device SD card.


  • Error notification of unsupported attachments improved.
  • Added progress indicator for downloading attachments.
  • Downloading of attachments can be interrupted now.
  • Downloaded attachments are not written to files unless asked and some other attachment fixes.
  • Fixed email view sometimes missing page indicators.
  • Added remorse for discarding a composited email (to avoid losing long texts by an accidental discard).
  • When replying to your own emails, keep the recipient fields intact. Continue discussion with the original recipients.
  • Split view removed: Toolbar added, vertical swipes to traverse items, down swipe to return to album view.
  • MMS viewer redesigned to match the Gallery change above.
  • Gallery can show TIFF files now.

HW adaptation

  • Xperia X: Support for fingerprint unlocking added - you can open the lock screen
  • Xperia X: droid-system cleaned up to save space in root partition.
  • Xperia X: zram swap enabled.


  • Emoji support added:
    • enable emojis at Settings > Text input > Keyboards > "Emoji Beta"
    • use emojis at the virtual keyboard in the same way as when changing input languages, i.e. tap-and-hold the Spacebar key; then pick Emoji among your input languages
    • go back to normal keyboard in the same way
    • support for coloured emojis requires Qt update which is planned to happen later this year.


  • "Clear tracker database" ("Refresh media database") in Utilities works now.
  • Advance a track on headset call button double click should work now.


  • Support for progress bar on notifications.
  • Support for vibration hint on notifications.
  • Android app notifications do not turn display on, unless request sound or vibra feedback.


  • Call start time and duration shown also for older-than-one-day calls.


  • Customer name added to SDK image names.


  • Sailfish Secrets is an opensource storage and crypto API framework and its in early stages. Code and documentation is at https://github.com/sailfishos/sailfish-secrets, early testers and developers are welcome to download it via zypper in sailfish-secrets .


  • Possibility to unzip folders added to Settings > Storage and to file browsers.
  • "Android *" categories in "Settings > Storage > User data" hidden if Android support is not installed.
  • Data consumed by SDK builds is shown separately in the Settings > Storage.


  • Improve dual SIM support by making it more dynamic.
  • Allow multiple RIL modem configuration files.
  • Add support for dual SIM variant of Sony Xperia X, model F5122.


  • Remorse timers can be swiped away to commit immediately.


  • Out of beta stage now.
  • Automatic connecting of VPNs improved.
  • Installing additional VPN types in VPN settings supported (hardcoded types replaced).


  • Allow manually setting up network in connection dialog.

Issues reported by the community at together.jolla.com and fixed in this update


For detailed changelog, see https://together.jolla.com/question/184470/changelog-220-mouhijoki/

Updating your device

Your device must be connected to the Internet and signed into your Jolla account. If your Jolla account is registered for Early Access releases you should receive an OS update notification when an update is available. If you have decided not to take the Early Access registration then you will get the OS update typically one week later.

We warmly recommend making some 3-4 GB of free space to the internal storage of your device before starting the update. Move your pictures and videos to the SD card (or to your PC or cloud service). After the upgrade turn on the option to save pictures and videos directly from the camera to the memory card (Settings > Apps > Camera). This is important particularly in case of "Jolla Phone" devices (product name "Jolla" in Settings > About product).

If you have a Sony Xperia X dual SIM device(model F5122) running Sailfish X already, please install the first official F5122 image (update by "flashing" the device - see chapter 6 in https://jolla.com/sailfishxinstall/. You can download this F5122 image from https://shop.jolla.com/downloads/ . Sign in with your Jolla account you used for purchasing the Sailfish X license.

This is the usual drill before attempting to update your devices:

Take a backup of your data before attempting to update your device and save the backup to an SD card or to some other off-device location (PC, your cloud service). Note that videos and images are not included in cloud-based backups. Do not reboot the device while the update is in progress. Do keep the phone connected to a battery charger during the whole process. Device screen may blank out during the update process; you may waken the display by a short press on the power key to monitor the progress.

For detailed instructions on updating software, visit Zendesk: https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/201836347

Notification concerning apps from Open Repos

  • If you use Phonehook or Callrecorder from OpenRepos, uninstall it before upgrading
  • If you use oFono from OpenRepos, revert to the official oFono before upgrading
  • If you use Patchmanager, revert all applied patches before upgrading.

About SD cards

New path to sdcard: Symbolic link /media/sdcard/<uuid>/, actual path /run/media/nemo/<uuid>/
Please read our help article on SD cards supported by Sailfish OS: https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/201997993.
Please update your File Browser app to version 1.7.2 (Jolla Store).

Known issues

  • Please do not install Aptoide Store before Android Support as this may prevent installing the latter. Should this happen, fix the issue as follows: devel-su; pkcon remove apkd-config-default; pkcon refresh . Then install Android Support.
  • Bluetooth pairing and audio connections may still fail in some circumstances.
  • Trouble with signing in to Dropbox account sometimes.
  • Events View has been reported to remain empty in some cases.
  • Jolla Phone: clock alert is only played via headphones (if connected) - not at all via loudspeaker. This audio routing error may cause other sound-related problems, too. Apologies. Will be fixed to release 2.2.1.

Known issues specific to Xperia X

  • There are few observations (being investigated) where mobile data cannot be easily turned on after device restart. In such a case force the device to Flight Mode momentarily and back to normal mode. This will reset the modem.
  • [camera] Force autofocus mode for photos, and continuous for video. After this, camera focus is still not ideal - as the camera stays out of focus when it starts until you either tap or try to take a shot - but the pictures seem to be better focused now.
  • Issues with mobile data persist on some SIM cards. Reverting the device to Android and re-installing Sailfish X has helped. See our support article: https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004283713
  • Xperia X does not power up when alarm time has elapsed.
  • Manual network/carrier search lists all networks by the same name (the name of the SIM provider). Use automatic search. If not possible, you need to try several items in the manual search results, unfortunately. The top most item is not necessarily the one that can serve you (still valid with most SIM cards).
  • Bluetooth: Still problems with car equipment, some audio devices and computers.
  • Waking up the device by double-tap does not work.
  • Loudspeaker volume level cannot be adjusted high enough (but echo cancellation was added to the audio path in 2.1.4).
  • Sensors:
    • Not working: barometer, step counter.
    • Compass working in Google Maps, not yet natively.
  • Issues with video playback and video recording (less than before).
  • FM radio missing.
  • Even though all CPU cores get eventually enabled, foreground apps do not always run on the big cores.



Is there specific reason for the download being so slow on Jolla 1, C and Tablet?

nthn ( 2018-05-31 17:59:12 +0200 )

Updated Sailfish X and Jolla1, no problems (updated after 18:45 EET). Thank you! :)

Manatus ( 2018-05-31 19:48:49 +0200 )

cheers! finally, the fingerprint scanner :D

Beethoven ( 2018-05-31 20:45:01 +0200 )

My JollaC had duplicate media items in the gallery. After triggering a reindex, the dups were gone again.

The camera complained that the external memory was unavailable. After reselecting the SD card, the issue was gone.

I haven't found other issues yet. Thanks a lot for the great work! :)

gnuheidix ( 2018-05-31 22:59:32 +0200 )

@olf, there is no reason for that comma after 'notified', and no reason to lengthen 'don't' into 'do not'.

nthn ( 2018-06-01 00:06:31 +0200 )
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40 Answers

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answered 2018-06-07 17:54:44 +0200

RoestVrijStaal gravatar image

Today I upgraded my Jolla Phone 1

Now system sounds are dead and Ambiances forget their custom sound I set in the Settings when rebooting or switching them. Great :(

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answered 2018-06-10 13:01:07 +0200

shanti gravatar image

a root partition with 2.5GB is IMO still too small (Xperia X 29GB onboard) .. this causes troubles when upgrading (not deleting old fimages , etc. ) .. in my case upgrade need 500MB free but only 468MB available - i dont like to delete locales/ambience on console just to have an upgrade running through ..

I think 4GB for System would be a better choice

great tool


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answered 2018-05-31 22:18:12 +0200

Lutwolf gravatar image

Still cannot update... 4th try, freezing every time, be it from UI or per Terminal. Sad.



Have you checked if you have enough free space? 500 MB should be free at least maybe a little bit more depending on the device.

leszek ( 2018-06-01 15:59:45 +0200 )

Is this issue still valid?
Which one fails, download or install?
What does ssu lr show?

jovirkku ( 2018-06-19 12:10:52 +0200 )
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answered 2018-06-01 02:26:25 +0200

SaimenSays gravatar image

Endless notification loop is claimed to be fixed, but it isn't!



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answered 2018-06-01 09:24:26 +0200

inta gravatar image

Be careful with the patches. I never had problems before, but this time I think mazelock or devicelock-faith-text or the combination of both killed my lockscreen. It is just blank and fingerprint is not recognised either. Now I have to figure out how to recover, hopefully unapplying those patches suffices.



you can. i also had.this problem once. go.into recovery and then you can unapply patches from.command linr

search for it here in

pawel ( 2018-06-01 21:27:15 +0200 )
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answered 2018-06-01 12:36:02 +0200

ehakkarainen gravatar image

Question: I'm using F5122 now with 2sim mod - Do I need to reflash with official 5122 image? or is the regular update enough?



it's a good question. I deactivated before the update coz for me the statement f5122 is now supported meant it works automatically. hope it will be part of the official release thou

Dreej ( 2018-06-01 12:41:52 +0200 )

There is no automatic change to the F5122 version. I have a F5122 and after the update it identified as F5121 still and only one SIM-Card was active again (I used the 2sim mod before and didn't deactivate it before the upgrade). But I found a way to apparently convert my F5121 install to the F5122 one replacing some packages. I documented it here: https://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1544880&postcount=2491 It seems to work, my 2 SIMs are recognized without manually changing anything and the about product dialog in Settings states "Xperia X Dual SIM" as device name. There still might be differences to flashing with the official F5122 image, which I'm not aware of. Maybe someone from Jolla can shed some light on this and if there are other things that are different between the 2 images for F5121 and F5122.

seiichiro0185 ( 2018-06-02 16:47:40 +0200 )

We recommend that you install upcoming official F5122 image to your F5122 devices. This ensures a known baseline to the device and compatibility with the future updates.

The installable F5122 image is expected to become available in 1-2 weeks from now.

jovirkku ( 2018-06-04 09:53:03 +0200 )
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answered 2018-06-01 13:40:29 +0200

saja gravatar image

Updated my Jolla 1 today. Everything seems to Work fine :)

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answered 2018-06-02 00:36:34 +0200

goldenm gravatar image

updated 2018-06-02 00:37:25 +0200

Any news about CIFS support on Sailfish X to access network file shares?

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answered 2018-06-04 14:20:01 +0200

Lectem gravatar image

So, according to the 2.1.3 release notes, "Waiting for connection" issue fixed in case of Facebook Messenger." I just bought installed and updated to 2.2.0, and I still have this message in Facebook Messenger, is this normal ? Was there a regression ?

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answered 2018-06-04 15:09:51 +0200

chris_bavaria gravatar image

After 2 days of upgrade my Dualsim Xperia X phone called with SIM1 over SIM2, but SIM1 was preset.

The prelease is realy no option for the F5122. I downgradet back from to

Now my phone run like a charme.

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Asked: 2018-05-31 12:07:19 +0200

Seen: 31,179 times

Last updated: Jul 02 '18