In WiFi mode does sailfish run amok on the xperia x
asked 2018-06-09 12:36:04 +0200
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Hello everybody, my sailfish x on the sony xperiax has been running amok for several weeks. Apps suddenly open and close all by themselves, telephone numbers from the address book are called, confused entries in input masks as if by magic. At some point it calms down again, before it starts all over again after a few minutes. does anyone have any idea what could be going on there? All this happens only when the device connection to the mobile network has. In the plane or Wlan mode, everything is quite normal
The title of your question and the body of your question are conflicting/confusing. Your title suggests that while in WiFi mode your phone goes mad, then in your description, you say that plane or wifi mode that everything is quite, which is it please?, or do I misunderstand?
Spam Hunter ( 2018-06-09 13:44:24 +0200 )editThanks Edz that you have my attention on my mistake. It should read my device plays crazy only in wifi mode.
JolliJoker ( 2018-06-09 19:34:34 +0200 )editMy phone xperia x/sailfishx works quite normally in all possible modes.
Nrde ( 2018-06-10 14:16:50 +0200 )edit