People/Contacts backup bugs in all.vcf
I imported my contacs from N9 exported All.vcf file. I didn't found the following errors inside the N9 All.vcf file but in the People backup file
Some entries have 2 times the same avatar PHOTO inside one VCARD section. Normaly this 2 commands should count the same nummber of lines:
grep "BEGIN:\|PHOTO" .vault/People/data/all.vcf | grep PHOTO | wc -l
grep "BEGIN:\|PHOTO" .vault/People/data/all.vcf | uniq | grep PHOTO | wc -l
I found also other duplicate lines by running these 2 commands:
cat .vault/People/data/all.vcf | wc -l
cat .vault/People/data/all.vcf | uniq | wc -l
or running
cat .vault/People/data/all.vcf | uniq > .vault/People/data/all.vcf.uniq
diff .vault/People/data/all.vcf .vault/People/data/all.vcf.uniq
The duplicates have different types and are from different VCARD entries, like NOTE, EMAIL, ADR, X-ANNIVERSARY.
I'm missing all the BDAY entries in the exported all.vfc file. I would expect them to be in the all.vcf backup as found inside the N9 file. Are the birthdays included in other backup files inside the .vault directory?