Formating Sd Card in Xperia X in Mouhijoki

asked 2018-07-28 19:04:44 +0300

plouffem gravatar image

updated 2018-07-29 11:41:24 +0300

zagrimsan gravatar image

After inserting a SD card exFat, the phone see it is wrong format. Wanted to format in the phone, however nothing happened. I formatted in Lapuanjoki Jolla 1 to ext4, no problem. Seems the link to continue the process is broken.

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Note that the FUSE exFAT drivers also work on Sailfish.

They are fully 100% functional (but are 0% licensed, and Jolla can't attempt to ship them without some unhappy interaction with Microsoft's Lawyers)

DrYak ( 2018-07-30 11:41:12 +0300 )edit

What is the best way to install these?

SValmont ( 2018-07-30 17:02:00 +0300 )edit