Attendees deleted from Google Suite calendar

asked 2018-08-23 16:21:27 +0200

articice gravatar image

I have this weird bug which nobody else in my company has - all guests are deleted from my scheduled event in the calendar, 10 min (or so) prior to the event.

I've suspected my Jolla phone! I've just checked it, and attendees where there; then I got a notification from the phone, chose "Show event", and attendees disappeared.

Also, sometimes, I get two notifications in a row for the same event.

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It appears that I am affected by this bug, too. For some reason people where getting uninvited from events in my company's Google calendar recently, and our IT staff tracked it down to my account. Obviously I wasn't uninviting anyone explicitly, and the only thing that changed is that I switched from my old N9 to Xperia X running SFOS (Sailfish X).

Sunc ( 2018-08-27 22:02:46 +0200 )edit