Xperia X android fm radio apk anyone?
Anyone who has an Xperia X still with Android is able to extract the stock fm radio apk please? Thanks in advance
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Anyone who has an Xperia X still with Android is able to extract the stock fm radio apk please? Thanks in advance
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Asked: 2018-09-14 11:23:12 +0200
Seen: 769 times
Last updated: Sep 14 '18
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You could easily find this app on the net;
Spam Hunter ( 2018-09-14 11:36:06 +0200 )editDoes not work on my newly updated (2.2.1) Xperia X.
DiBasse ( 2018-09-14 13:17:21 +0200 )editWhat do you mean by:
You mean you installed Sailfish and don't get it working in Alien-Dalvik ?
The problem is two-fold :
The second could probably be circumvented by using a native app like pirate FM. But the former will require Jolla devs and/or community porters to fix the drivers.
DrYak ( 2018-09-14 13:52:42 +0200 )editCorrect, the app does not start after installing it. I will be using native apps as before.
DiBasse ( 2018-09-14 16:06:07 +0200 )edit