Virtual keyboard: Number "keys" on vkb's letter page – context sensitive
asked 2014-01-23 18:27:39 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
Request: Each time a new word starts, do not show any rather random selection of words in the upper line of the virtual keyboard but the figures from 0 to 9 and, because there is still some space left, special characters such as @, +, -, /, (, ) or even such characters not accessible via the vkb such as en-dash/–. In addition, when the last character typed has been a figure or if the "word" typed does not make sense (e.g. complex passwords), let stay the set of figures and special characters.
Reasons: This would reasonably reduce the number of times, the letter/numbers switcher has to be used, i.e. typing speed would be enhanced, complex passwords would be easier to type.
Realisation: This should be possible within the current design concept and with little interference with the current code: Just adjust the way, how the words in the top line of the virtual keyboard are chosen from the predictive dictionary, and add the figures and special characters to the predictive dictionary. Because the prediction line is scrollable, it does not matter if initially a few of the special characters are out of the screen -- you can pull them in.
Possible improvement: To the left of the visible predicted words are numbers and special characters always, i.e. with a right pull on the prediction line you bring the numbers and characters into the window. A right pull is still faster than a switch to the number keyboard page and back to letter keyboard page. In addition, because the letters do not disappear, you do not loose orientation on the letter keyboard through switching.
+1 to this.
"You should know that we will have an account is going out in your mouth on this blog are going for me but it's ok I'm gonna try again I was like you don't need anything let him out the shower then they have been on here are my favorite flag record is to find something."
I just wrote that without typing a letter, just tapping randomly on the word suggestions. :)
ssahla ( 2014-01-28 08:41:15 +0200 )editI think we should leave the main of the suggestion field for the prediction. I imagine it getting smarter to be able to predict full words and numbers from context. I agree though that entering numbers without switching the whole keyboard would be nice. [to be continued]
tuxlig ( 2014-01-28 11:14:44 +0200 )editEither add numbers to secondary mapping (long press on letter in top row) which might not work well and consistently for non-qwerty keyboard layouts. Another way would be to swipe from suggestion row upwards to change it to number row and same to get back (swipe down would be too close to 'close keyboard).
tuxlig ( 2014-01-28 11:23:19 +0200 )edit