Let me type dashes and spaces when editing the phone number in People

asked 2014-01-23 19:01:02 +0300

Artem gravatar image

I am sorry, but writing phones numbers as +358324592817 looks really ugly and not readable to me. It got to be +358-32-459-2817 or +358 32 459 2817 or maybe +358(32)4592817. I believe these all are quite standard ways for writing the numbers down.

Interestingly a phone text field in the phonebook supports all this formats if you e.g. paste text into it, but the keyboard shown let you use only "+", "*" and "#".

So let's fix it. I am not sure what the proper fix would be though.
- Is an incorrect keyboard used there?
- Or is it correct phone number keyboard and it just needs to be enhanced by dashes, spaces and brackets?
- Or shall we go the Apple way, not allow any extra characters and just force the "ideal" display behavior? E.g. on iPhone numbers entered as +358324592817 will automatically be displayed as +358 32 4592817

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I believe these all are quite standard ways for writing the numbers down.


Tanghus ( 2014-01-23 20:25:59 +0300 )edit

Yeah, it shouldn't allow us to put space or slash into the number, but therefor the phone should automatically display the number so, that you can read it easier.

torcida ( 2014-03-03 14:46:17 +0300 )edit

Come on Jolla, it's a serious usability issue! A year and a half had passed - and not even a hint when or whether this will be implemented at all!

ScumCoder ( 2015-06-27 02:04:17 +0300 )edit