Sailfish 3.0 on Jolla1 failed
Hi, The update went smoothly but after final restart the screen goes black and stays on it. Now it is a brick. Any idea to get it alive? So many years with Jolla1. Don't want to change it 😥
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Hi, The update went smoothly but after final restart the screen goes black and stays on it. Now it is a brick. Any idea to get it alive? So many years with Jolla1. Don't want to change it 😥
Had a similiar problem after update of my test device. Had to make a factory reset via recovery mode:
If you can reach your device still via ssh, you can try to downgrade via command line:
ssu release
version --dup
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Asked: 2018-11-01 00:24:36 +0200
Seen: 460 times
Last updated: Nov 01 '18
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check this
ahjolinna ( 2018-11-01 00:28:11 +0200 )editAlready checked. The problem is that I have a blank screen. No matter how many restarts I do. After a welcome screen it goes black and there is no possibility to do anything. No terminal, no menu. Nothing.
Slawek ( 2018-11-01 00:53:38 +0200 )editMy Jolla1 is not really in use anymore. But I turned it on to do the update to see whats new. First time the reboot is done, it stuck at 0% of update for abot two hours. Then I decided to remove the battery and restart. Second time update works and it is now fully functional again. Anyhow I don't see the big deal to update my daily driver XpeeiaX right now.
SaimenSays ( 2018-11-01 02:33:30 +0200 )edit