2013-12-26 00:10:53 +0200
I appreciate you're asking via USB, but I've always found connecting via WiFi easier, with this and other Linux based phones. Unless you have particular reason to use USB I think you'll find SSH via wireless easier and more practical.
e.g. To find out the IP address of your phone install "IP Address" from the main Jolla app store. Then using Putty enter this IP as the host (to the left of 22), enter Jolla (or other description) just below "Saved Sessions", then click Save. Whenever you open Putty you can now just double click Jolla to SSH to your phone, assuming your home network maintains same IP, which is quite common. Make sure you always login with username "nemo" first. To then enter root/superuser type "devel-su". Password for both should be the one you set when you enabled Developer mode on the phone. Be careful (especially when logged in as root) as there's potential to brick device.
Checkout The One Page Linux Manual for a good run down of Linux commands. Just remember, Linux is unforgiving compared to Windows and will assume you know exactly what you're doing so please do be careful.
I made this for wifi, it might help you :
Dam ( 2014-02-15 18:34:56 +0200 )editFor people using Linux and NetworkManager app, note that if you want to keep your computer internet connection working when connected to Jolla over USB (with developer mode), you have to go to the IPV4 settings tab of NetworkManager, then click "Routes" button and then check "Use this connection only for resources on its network (If enabled, this connection will never be used as the default network connection)".
baptx ( 2014-09-25 22:53:52 +0200 )edit