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[Xperia X] 2000 mW power consumption + Fast-Charging issues

asked 2018-11-11 15:17:34 +0200

ChrisX gravatar image

updated 2018-12-08 00:28:21 +0200

Edit: On, power consumption is reduced to around 1200 mW during normal use, which lead me to conclude that my initial presumptions were correct. The power draw I've experienced on versions like is simply excessive and not reflective of what Sailfish OS has consumed in the past. Please read my answers to this question for more details.

Hey everyone,

First of all, I would like to thank everyone on here, willing to help me. What follows is a very detailed write up on my experience with Sailfish OS, as well as when and how I started experiencing problems, both with charging and power consumption. As said write-up goes in depth beyond my current issues, I've also added a short summary at the bottom, solely containing the technical details surrounding my current situation.

Let me start out by saying that I've been a fan of Sailfish OS ever since it was first announced seven years ago. Sporadically following the development, I was always impressed by the constant stream of improvements and when the YouTuber Michael Fisher published a video highlighting the interface and Android App support, coupled with the fact I needed a new smartphone anyways, I pulled the trigger and bought a Xperia X with the goal of running Sailfish on it.

Initially, I started out with the most current stable release at the time, Sailfish OS 2.1.4. My experience was honestly great. The system ran stable, battery life was almost comparable to my outgoing device (a Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro with a 4000mah battery behemoth) and most everything worked as expected. Especially the fact Alien Dalvik handled notifications as would be expected if an app ran natively surprised me, in a good way. Only major point of criticism at the time was the fact that Sailfish didn't offer a "top menu" accessible via any screen, something I knew was going to be addressed with Sailfish 3.

My experience on 2.1.4 thus was great with no major issues.

In June of 2018, Sailfish OS 2.2.0 was released and I, at first, felt great about it. Having support for the fingerprint sensor was, while not a pressing issue for me personally, definitely greatly appreciated and showed that the dev team were hard at work making consistent improvements.

However, this was the first time I experienced both battery and charging issues. It felt to me, as if both Screen-On-Time and power consumption in standby were severely worsened over 2.1.4. At the time, I was both in Italy and the United Kingdom quite a lot, which is why initially, I concluded that my seemingly reduced battery life was the result of the device being used more regularly for tasks such as navigation via HERE and communication among other things.

I realized that things did not work as intended when, despite the phone being consistently charged via a 10000mah power bank, it seemed to lose charge, something that obviously made no sense. Only when charging it via the official Sony wall adapter, did the phone receive a consistent and reliable charge.

Reading the print on said adapter, I noticed that it was rated to only output 1.5A at 5V, which is obviously far from anything that would enable "fast-charging".

The port, in use, on my power bank was rated to, at least, output 1.5A at 9-12V or, alternatively, either 2A at 6-9V or 3A at 3.6 to 6V, each depending on what the phone specifically requested.

Changing over to the "slow" port, at the time used by my camera, I was able to charge my Xperia X for the first time using the power bank. That port is rated to output 2.4A at 5V.

At the time unable to address these issues, as I was reliant on the phone, I unfortunately was essentially forced to run the phone connected to that "slow" charging port pretty much all day.

Once I found myself back home and with some time to debug this issue, I decided to do a full system reset of the phone. I found, to my surprise, that this did not in fact reset the phone to a factory state for a 2.2.0 install, but actually back to my initially flashed 2.1.4 state. As I had been looking through forums, like this one, unable to find people reporting the issues I experienced on 2.2.0 (a few people seemed to report issues similar to my fast-charging "bug" on older versions though reported to have fixed them due to a factory reset), I decided to once again upgrade to that version.

Sadly, this did not appear to remedy my issues. As however, not a few days later, Sailfish OS 2.2.1 was released, I decided to hold off on writing such a post, being hopeful that, despite not being noted in the change logs, this may be something miraculously addressed in 2.2.1.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. As I still was not able to find other people reporting similar issues on either 2.2.0 or 2.2.1 I still wanted to hold off on writing such a question, as I somewhat felt that this issue may be caused by my specific use case, rather than Sailfish itself, thus making me feel like I could still find the culprit of said issues myself, then later reporting my "fix" on here, hopeful that others, experiencing similar behavior could benefit from it.

Equally, I wanted to wait for the release of a "flashable" release of Sailfish 3, as I speculated/hoped that perhaps a fully fresh install, without any updates in between may be able to solve the problems I experienced since 2.1.4.

As I likely don't have to tell you, with Sailfish, those "installable images" of Sailfish 3 were just released. I thus set to work, first fully factory resetting my phone, then right after that flashing Sailfish together with the Sony vendor binary images.

Using the phone for a day now, this sadly has not rectified the issues I've been experiencing.

Due to this, I finally decided to do some digging on my own, trying to pin-point the culprit.

Using both Crest and Hunger Meter, I made a surprising discovery. The power consumption was, to put it mildly, terrifying, as the phone, according to Hunger Meter, consumed above 2000 mW.

Looking at this paper, in which a Xperia XZ2 is measured consuming less than 500 mW total, that seemed fairly excessive: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050916317756

Due to this, I decided to turn off features in an attempt to figure out, what was consuming so much.

I ended up taking measurements with the phone in the following state:

  1. Cellular was enabled (i.e. no Airplane mode)
  2. Display brightness was set to the lowest possible setting, auto brightness was disabled.
  3. Mobile Networking was turned off
  4. Wi-Fi was turned off
  5. Bluetooth was turned off
  6. Location tracking was turned off
  7. Android Support/Alien Dalvik was disabled
  8. The following apps were open:
  9. Crest (to look for a potentially power sucking task)
  10. Hunger Meter (to measure the power consumption)
  11. Screenshot (as to make a Screenshot of the results)

Following is the output of Crest and Hunger Meter while everything with the exception off cellular connection was disabled and the screen was set to the lowest brightness possible:

Hunger meter Crest

As you can see, Crest doesn't show any task that could be responsible for requiring in excess off 2000 mW of power. Adding to that, turning on Airplane mode also does not lead to a reduction in power consumption. Waking the phone up from standby with only Hunger Meter running gives a result of around 1000 mW that, seconds after turning the phones screen on, jumps to over 2000 mW once more and continues to stay there during use, regardless of how the phone is being used.

Concerning my issue with fast-charging, i.e. that it appears to actually discharge the device, I was unable to discern any way by which I could obtain data that might help in finding the root cause.

I hope that this is a resolvable issue and am very thankful for any assistance.


Had great battery live on 2.1.4, however, since 2.2.0 the phone draws in excess of 2000 mW, a behavior observed even after a factory reset and a fresh flash off the image.

Phone also draws over 2000 mW when screen brightness is set to the lowest possible setting, Alien Dalvik, location tracking, Bluetooth and networking are disabled and no process that could draw this much is being run.

Adding to that, phone draws in excess of 1000 mW while in standby with only Hunger Meter open.

Also, phone discharges when a charge port rated above anything other than 5 V is used, even if the port has the ability to output 5 V if requested by the phone.

As mentioned in a post below, I also observed the device heating up considerably despite being in stand-by without any process aside from Hunger Meter running, lending more credence to the hypothesis that something appears to actually draw from the battery and strain the phone.

When looking through forums, like this one, I sadly was unable to find similar issues that were not fixable via a simple factory reset.

I hope you are able to help me resolve this seemingly excessive power draw. Should any further information be required, please don't hesitate in telling me whatever would be necessary.

Thank you very much and have an excellent day.

Edit: Just fixed a few typos and logical inconsistencies as well as added some clarification concerning the fast-charging issue.

Edit 2: Added some newly observed behavior, the device appears to be hot consistently.

Edit 3: My request to Jolla Zendesk has remained unanswered. I shall over the next days, downgrade back to 2.1.4 in the hopes of this solving the issue and thus potentially serving as a starting point to pin-point whatever is causing this exorbitant power consumption.

Edit 4: I am unable to obtain an older release of Sailfish and thus cannot downgrade. If anyone knows where I could download an older ROM, please let me know. Also, still no reply from Jolla Zendesk.

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To give you a reference from my Xperia X on Sailfish

In Airplane mode, AlienDalvik off, brigthness set to lowest and auto mode off, hunger meter in background shows 62 mW power consumption.

Then switching on mobile data (full reception 4G), wifi (1m away from the router), and AlienDalvik on, the consumption raises to roughly 1000 mW and settles back to 323 mW after 10-20sec. Adjusting the display brightness somewhat higher, lets call it medium, yields roughly 500 mW.

Spark ( 2018-11-11 15:49:47 +0200 )edit

Thank you very much for your reply, that information is really helpful to me.

One of my main concerns when posting this question was the possibility that I actually had just misinterpreted some data, meaning 2000 mW of constant power draw would be "normal behavior". Seeing how your phone, using the same software, appears to draw an order of magnitude less, leads me to conclude that this is an actual issue and not just me messing up in some capacity.

ChrisX ( 2018-11-11 16:36:58 +0200 )edit

I have experienced battery drain since 2.2.0 on my XperiaX, but I have no idea what might cause it. Thank you for a really interesting post! My Jolla1, though having an old battery which doesn't work that well anymore, doesn't seem to have the same drain. The fingerprint sensor is one difference between the phones. I'm deleting the fingerprint and using only security code again to unlock the device and see if that helps.

Lars Maria ( 2018-11-11 17:29:04 +0200 )edit

This might be stupid but have you considered a faulty sim card? You could check the power consumption without or with a different sim.

Otherwise I would contact Jolla Zendesk for further advice.

Spark ( 2018-11-11 18:43:26 +0200 )edit

Hey, thank you very much for the tip, I very much appreciate it.

Because of it, I just rebooted the phone without a Sim Card inside. Unfortunately, my power consumption is still consistently above 2000 mW.

Over the next 24h, I'll reset my phone once more and observe whether the power draw behavior changes when not using the fingerprint reader, perhaps that is actually the culprit, though I am doubtful.

I shall also contact Jolla Zendesk then, I will share any results and communications, so others may benefit from it.

ChrisX ( 2018-11-11 19:02:15 +0200 )edit

8 Answers

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answered 2018-11-17 20:14:29 +0200

Lars Maria gravatar image

updated 2018-11-19 11:02:36 +0200

I don’t know if this is the answer, but it is an answer.

I use a Sony Xperia X with Sailfish OS since last year, and I have also experienced an unusual battery drain the last couple of months. I’m not sure when it began, but I’m pretty sure 2.1.4 was fine, and I know for sure I had it before

So, somewhere around 2.2.0 and/or 2.2.1 my battery started to drain considerably faster than before. But not always, some days it worked just fine, as it did before. I couldn’t figure out what it might be related to, if something at all; maybe I was just imagining? Maybe a modern smartphone isn’t suppose to last more than a year? Or perhaps mine is damaged somehow (I’ve dropped it in the floor a couple of times) and that’s the reason for the sudden drain?

It’s hard to tell. But when I saw this post I installed ‘Hunger Meter’ and started to try to pinpoint what app, or what function, causes this drain? Assuming ‘Hunger Meter’ shows correct values (more or less), the battery uses <100 mW in sleep mode (when the screen goes dark after, in my case, 30 sec of inactivity) with ‘Mobile Data’ activated and no apps running. When I wake up the phone, the consumption rises and fluctuates roughly between 300 and 600 mW. It stays there as long as the screen is active. If I start a couple of apps and play some music while I surf the web and edit a photo, the consumption rises of course, but after closing all apps and being in sleep mode for a couple of minutes, the consumption falls back to <100 mW.

If I turn Bluetooth ON and connect to a speaker (JBL Charge 2+) and play some music for a couple of minutes, the consumption does not rise to any extraordinary levels. It’s when I turn Bluetooth OFF the strangeness begins. Though everything is turned off and the phone goes back into sleep mode, the consumption never falls beneath 500 mW. When I wake up the phone, the consumption hoovers around 1500 mW as long as the screen is awake.

If I surf the web after having used Bluetooth, the consumption rises to above 2000 mW and stays there. I can close all apps, turn ‘Mobile Data’ OFF, and let the phone go into sleep mode and wait for 5, 10, or 15 minutes – when I wake it up ‘Hunger Meter’ always shows a consumption of around 1500 mW which rises to and stays at >2000 mW as long as the screen is active.

Turning ‘Flight Mode’ ON and OFF doesn’t do anything, neither does ‘Utilities – restarting network’ in ‘Settings’. The only thing that brings things back to normal is restarting the phone.

I’ve been able to reproduce this behaviour several times the last couple of days: use Bluetooth for a couple of minutes, turn it OFF, surf the web for a couple of minutes, and – voilà! – I have a constant consumption of 1500–2000 mW which quickly drains the battery. I haven’t tried anything with WLAN connectivity.

I don’t know what this is all about, but I’m guessing it’s related to the driver for Bluetooth and/or network traffic. I seem to be fine as long as I stay away from Bluetooth, then I have a normal battery consumption. It would be interesting to know if anybody else can reproduce this behaviour.

Regards, Lars

2018-11-19. A clarification. My reason for diving into this was the power consumption when the phone is in sleep mode - when I'm not using it. I have no idea how much the consumption should be when I'm using the phone for various things. But when I'm not using the phone, when it just sits there, what should the power consumption be? The answer I found was: it depends. If I turn every network service off and just restart the phone without re-activating anything, the consumption in sleep mode seems to be around 15 mW. That's good. Then the battery lasts as long as I'm used to (the way I "use" the phone, not much at all in other words :) And almost no matter what I do with the phone (for example, WiFi-hotspot, surf the web, play music, texting, viewing pictures - at the same time), when I turn everything off and wait a couple of minutes, the consumption falls back to around 15 mW. With one exception: Bluetooth. If I activate/turn on BT, it might not raise the consumption to any extraordinary levels when in use, but when I turn BT off the consumption rises to around 1500 mW, and it stays there as long as the screen is awake. When in sleep mode, after having used BT, the consumption never seems to go below 500 mW. So, instead of having a sleep mode-consumption of 15 mW, I have around 500 mW, but only after having used BT. And, if I surf the web on top of that, I get a steady consumption of 1500-2000 mW - in sleep mode when everything is turned off/inactivated. That's weird. But I'm fine as long as I never turn BT on, and I'm lucky not to be needing BT very much, so I can live without it. If my answer above isn't as clear as it should be, I hope this clarifies things. Regards, Lars

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Did a quick test with WiFi and it seems that it has the same effect as you described for BT. WiFi turned off keeps the consumption around 500-600mW. With WiFi on, it's between 1200-1500. An these figures are with only Hunger Meter running on the foreground.

If I turn BT on and connect to my JBL Go, no change in consumption. Turning BT off has no change either, can't see an increase on consumption.

raketti ( 2018-11-17 20:51:25 +0200 )edit

Wifi seems pretty demanding to me, too.

Kopekenscheich ( 2018-11-17 21:48:27 +0200 )edit

Thank you very much for reporting your findings Lars, I will continue testing based on your reporting. I've also decided to create a second thread, specifically asking whether older images are still available for testing.

ChrisX ( 2018-11-18 19:49:30 +0200 )edit

answered 2018-11-30 17:00:01 +0200

ChrisX gravatar image


I've now received a reply from Jolla Zendesk which provides a guide on how one should properly log power draw:


Thank you for your message! We now have some instructions from our R&D, so if possible please do as requested below:

Getting relevant stuff requires some skills and time, but something like:

  1. if you have mce < 1.96.0, make it a bit more verbose

Requires developer mode & root privileges. Strictly speaking not necessary, but makes battery data available in logs without installing extra SW.

Edit file: /lib/systemd/system/mce.service Find line: "ExecStart=/usr/sbin/mce --systemd" Add "-v" so that it reads "ExecStart=/usr/sbin/mce --systemd -v"

(starting from mce 1.96.0 among other changes battery data is logged by default)

  1. If possible / to the extent possible, establish a baseline:
  • remove patches, apps that might autostart/have daemons, revert settings, etc (factory reset/reflash)?
  • make sure double tap wakeup is and stays disabled; if you need to disable it, reboot the device before continuing
  • persistent journal would be nice to have, enable if possible
  • charge to full, disconnect charger, reboot
  • observe battery percentage
  • put the phone to offline mode, blank screen, leave it alone overnight / stte
  • check how much battery percentage has dropped
  • collect logs: journalctl -b > journal.log
  • get suspend stats: mcetool --get-suspend-stats > suspend-stats.txt

Expected: Something like percent or two battery drop / hour, suspend time close to uptime

If not as expected, then it is likely to be something in hw, kernel, or sfos -> logs would be nice to have

If as expected, then it might be due to some custom sw / settings / patches -> continue with ...

  1. Undo offline mode
  2. repeat the charge to full, reboot, leave alone for several hours & collect logs

  3. return to your normal setup step by step

  4. add some sw, tweak some settings to your liking (#1), apply some of you patches, ...
  5. repeat the charge to full, reboot, leave alone for several hours & collect logs for each step

1: Worth repeating: Enabling double tap detection in Xperia X will sooner or later cause power drain. Not to the 2A extent, but keep it disabled to avoid making the situation confusing by adding known source of problems.

If you need help with the above actions, please don't hesitate to contact us by replying to this message.

Have a nice day!

Sincerely, Jolla Customer Care

I am currently in the process of properly gathering all that information, so I can submit it to Jolla Zendesk and will keep you updated on any developments.

Thank you all for your help.

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answered 2018-11-20 17:15:51 +0200

Manatus gravatar image

updated 2018-11-20 17:42:16 +0200

I haven't seen anyone posting these earlier, so for the record here is what I consider normal power usage with only email, calendar and contacts sync, (hourly) and hour or two of we browsing per day. I'm also using 3g network as 4g uses somewhat more power in standby and in general.

Android support is running, but no whatsapp or other constantly online services. I mainly use android for logging working hours and occasionally I use Firefox with it.

Battery lasts generally from 3 to 4 days:

image description

Flat or almost flat grey lines are deep sleep with no additional processes keeping the phone awake.

Uptime 5 days, the top command with shift-t shows what processes have been used most. This does not include any processes that are constantly spawned and killed. What I've been checking around, there aren't many of those, if at all, in SFOS that is working properly:

image description

These screenshots are from Xperia X Compact using g7's hacked Xperia X image. It does not differ from what I get normally with Xperia X, which is currently undergoing radio bandwidth troubleshooting with Android, so please forgive me not using that now.

I haven't checked all these properly, some of them are obvious and some I assume:

Lipstick is Sailfish UX (or decorative part of it)
Cfinteractive is the process that manages CPU cores so that they would not run if they are not needed

Mce is taking care of hardware events such as LEDs etc.
Sensorfwd along with sensors.qcom are the sensor processes
Irq/416-clearpa might be the screen touch device
Harbour-battery is the Battery Log app I took the screenshot of
System_server is Aliendalvik / Android process
Rild I assume is communicating with radio firmware
Maliit-server is the virtual keyboard (SFOS, not the terminal one)
Msyncd does all kinds of data syncing
Dbus-daemon listens and transmits dbus commands

Pulseaudio should run only if your device is playing or recording sound (its a sound mixer service) but it should be dormant otherwise. Has been very power hungry when in use, in the past at least.

As you can see, normally hardly anything uses constantly CPU in great amounts except for the UX itself that logs time all the time you have the screen open in your phone.

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I experienced roughly the same battery life (3-4 days) with roughly the same usage profile as you described. But on my Jolla phone, not on a Sony X because I don't own one. I now have switched to a Sony XA2 since one week and flashed it with SFOS 3 and the battery life is pretty bad for such a bit battery, especially when keeping in mind that there's no Alien Dalvik on the XA2 so far. I expected battery life somewhere around my former phone (Jolla1) but in fact I only get ~30 hours out of it. I feel like some process is active all the time.

laubblaeser ( 2018-11-20 21:39:17 +0200 )edit

answered 2018-12-07 23:00:24 +0200

ChrisX gravatar image

updated 2018-12-07 23:02:27 +0200


it is settled. 2000 mW of power consumption is both not normal and caused by some change in the newer builds of Sailfish OS.

I was able to verify this thanks to the incredibly helpful DrYak who, in this thread, was generous enough to provide a copy of, which enabled me to investigate this issue further.

The phones power draw on the provided build,, is dramatically improved.

The power draw has decreased from 2000 mW on a fresh install of, to a far more reasonable 1179 mW on on average when in regular use, even with Bluetooth and Alien Dalvik active.

As a reminder, my Xperia X draws in excess of 2000 mW in Airplane mode, with Alien Dalvik deactivated and the brightness set as low as possible on newer version, also drawing above 1200 mW in standby.

The phone does not get worryingly hot during regular use anymore either and battery life has been greatly improved from at best four hours in standby, to achieving more than four hours of screen on time easily, even when using Alien Dalvik, a higher brightness, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on top.

This shows that, between and the more current builds, changes made have facilitated such a concerning increase in power draw.

I have informed Jolla Zendesk concerning this including all collected log files, hopeful, that they are able to pin point and mitigate the cause of this in the next release.

Thank you all, and especially DrYak, once again for your help.

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answered 2018-11-18 19:21:17 +0200

vdembos gravatar image

Hi, just installed sfos free trial to X x yesterday and to be honest, i do experience same power compsumption in Hunger meter. Avg +/- 2000, tops on +/- 3000 and after some idling with screen off usualy couple of hundreds.

Real drop in more or less minor load of nets and apps is about 30pc/6h. That gives me about day of use.

But i csd i see that power consumption is more or less in normal range. 60mA to about 500 mA, that is roughly about those x00 to those 3000 mW. As far i know i had consumption on android in about same ranges while using phone.

What makes me wonder is, that phone drains battery during night time quite fast, about 20pc. I consider that as quite high drop.

Maybe i just expect too much from SX, as Jolla is not big company with unlimited resources for OS optimalisation to its finest.

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answered 2018-11-19 19:45:51 +0200

alloj gravatar image

I think >2000mW consumption is normal. I have one browser window, Hunger, mobile data and location on and it is over 2000mW and I have not noticed battery drain. No wifi or BT on. Maybe your battery got old?

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I wouldn't say >2000 mW is normal. I have 3 Android apps (2 Messengers, Browser) open, Location on (highest accuracy) with native Maps app opened, Wifi on, Mail app opened. Power consumption: 890 mW.

The 2000 mW always come up after doing something with the apps, but settle after roughly 20-30 sec back to ~1000 mW.

However what sounds interesting is that you seem to have 2000 mW or more consumption without experiencing a quick battery drain. Can you elaborate more on your battery endurance?

Spark ( 2018-11-19 20:08:15 +0200 )edit

Me neither. I have Hunger Meter, Web browser, Photo Gallery, Media Player (playing), and WiFi-sharing (the connected laptop showing a video on Vimeo) activated; open; running on my XperiaX with SFOS 3, and Hunger Meter shows 1451 mW. Try turning BT off, restart the phone and never turn BT on again, and see what values you get then. Just saying :)

Lars Maria ( 2018-11-19 20:18:28 +0200 )edit

@Spark I estimate my battery lasts for around 16 hours. I have not seen any difference between updates.

alloj ( 2018-11-19 22:08:12 +0200 )edit

Hey, thanks for your reply. As the report I linked in my initial posted showed, a power draw in excess of even 1000 mW is unheard off for a device of that class. It simply goes above and beyond what this hardware should require during normal operation.

ChrisX ( 2018-11-19 22:55:36 +0200 )edit

@ChrisX I do not use wifi or BT at all so maybe that is why I don't experience battery drain issue.

alloj ( 2018-11-20 08:59:02 +0200 )edit

answered 2018-11-19 22:39:45 +0200

vdembos gravatar image

there is some inbetween lines not spoken by utilities. Normal drain in deep sleep is about 50-100mA/200-500mW which i had with jolla1 phone. Normal usage is 150 to 800 to ... you name it mA.

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answered 2018-12-02 19:17:06 +0200

DrYak gravatar image

2 things :

1. Battery drain

In my experience, two usual suspects :

  • Android layer gone berzerk (usually some app that won't stop hammering something and draining battery in the background). Shutting down and restarting the Android layer usually has fixed most of my problems. (Usually, you'll notice either one app eating power, or some android background daemon)
  • Modem firmware out of its mind (usually this happen when coming back home after some time spent in Roaming), the modem suddenly has problems registering with cell towers, if you display non-user apps the "ofono" system services eats more CPU cycles than usual, and increasing occurences of "No Network Covrage" when trying to voice call despite the signal strengh being full bars. Usually helped by :
    • Turning Aiplane mode on then off
    • Manually try to register to a cell tower of service provider then turn automatic registration back
    • devel-su systemctl restart ofono.service to restart the modem daemon
    • a combination of any of the above (usually the last two in that succession)
    • shutdown the phone, remove SIM tray, wait a couple of minute, put SIM back in, turn on the phone
    • ideal would be a modem firmware upgrade in next system upgrade + update of ofono service

2. Fast Charging

Modern phone's charging circuit don't really give a damn about the number scribled on the site of any charger.

Usually most modern smartphone, including the Jolla 1 and Xperia X, have a charging circuitry that automatically negociates charging current :

  • they measure the voltage they get from the USB port and charge accordingly
  • if the voltage drops too much under 5V (e.g.: the carger is overloaded), they'll throttle down the charging current so that the voltage goes back to normal.
  • As the Xperia X doesn't use the alternate voltages (9V, 12V) you don't desperately need support for Qualcom's Fast Charge, nor USB-PD (Power Delivery). (Though it can help a bit if the protocol tries to confirm that >1A @5V is supported.)

This means two things :

  • using chargers that will boost the voltage slightly (official 5.2V should be supported by all USB device, in practice even 5.4V isn't problematic) will avoid voltage dips that will throttle down charging. Look for chargers and power banks that feature "Charge IQ", "Smart", voltage boost, etc.
  • absolutely use a good quality cable. As short as possible (why not even a simple keychain). Some cable use different thicker conductors on charging wires (26 AWG or thicker (= smaller AWG numbers / = higher mm^2 ) ) to have less resistance and thus less voltage drop.
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Asked: 2018-11-11 15:17:34 +0200

Seen: 2,407 times

Last updated: Dec 08 '18