Title documents from removed SD shown
I am using (testing) the XA2 with free SFOS. 2 days ago I wanted to check if the sd card (from my XperiaX) is accepted. Everything worked fine. But after removing the sd card the phone still showed me the titles of all docs that have been on the sd card (I did not copy them!). After pressing on these docs (Documents-app) the phone showed 'Broken File', Cannot read the PDF document. Tapping on windows files xls e.g. it shows: file....(path to file...) does not exist. Is it a bug? Has sb. else noticed this?
Maybe Tracker still has them in the database. Rebuilding this DB is worth a try.
ossi1967 ( 2018-11-18 21:41:30 +0200 )editThanx a lot. Tracker hard reset worked.
chris7chris ( 2018-11-19 02:24:28 +0200 )edit