Adopting abandoned apps?
asked 2018-12-04 22:45:23 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
Hello Sailors!
I stumbled across Picross in Jolla Store a year back, but it didn't work at all. At some point a fatal bug had slipped in the release version, or something, but there was a patch for it already. I tested it and it worked - and I liked the game, too. I decided to fix the application properly and publish it, and ended up rewriting some parts of it.
This gave me an idea; are there any other community-provided applications that you would like to use, but are no longer maintained? Submit your suggestions in answers, and I see what I can do :)
Edit: This question was inspired by Sailfish Devember, so make sure you check out that, too!
Edit: Translators are always needed! Many of the projects I picked up are not quite up to date... Please consider helping the community by translating a few applications if you can spare an hour or two.
How are the projects progressing, you ask? First the more active ones:
- GPSInfo
- Mostly done for now at least
- Bar chart component may have to be re-implemented (without qcharts.js...)
- YTplayer
- Uses custom-made "youtube-dl-lite" for speed
(It means youtube-dl script execution kind of speed, not download faster speed :)
- Uses custom-made "youtube-dl-lite" for speed
- Battery Buddy
- Finally supports automatically pausing/resuming charging the battery!
- Landscape orientation support
- No longer Jolla Store compatible; only from OpenRepos from now on
Then the ones that haven't had much attention lately, but forgotten they are not, trust me:
- CarBudget: Pushed layout fixes to condo4, hopefully he still updates the app... (11.2.2019)
- SailKino: major UI rework done and released (25.2.2019)
- CountMe 2: Screen blanking prevention added. (12.2.2019)
- Picross 2: Updated welcome screen, translations added. (12.2.2019)
The future of these ones is unclear to me (but you can help, too):
- Daedalus: It compiled and ran almost out-of-the box!
- SMPC: Not started yet.
- PhoneHook: Not started yet, but definitely on my list :)
- Call Flasher: In consideration. It may be possible, but the results may be poor. Looking at it later this year.
- Squeeze UI: In consideration. It's hard to test this, as I don't have a Squeebox...
- File Browser (although it is not abandoned): I am implementing support for other applications to open files and folders in the application. Serious nerd snipe at the moment! Need to learn D-Bus first...
- Swipe URL in browser toolbar right/left in order to go back/forward - updated to latest sailfish, forked, with pull request, also released on OpenRepos
Even abondend apps on OpenRepos that with some TLC may find their way in the Jolla store?
JSEHV ( 2018-12-04 23:51:04 +0200 )editAbsolutely!
Direc ( 2018-12-05 00:42:35 +0200 )editThese two I miss:
Call Recorder:
kaari ( 2018-12-05 03:05:57 +0200 )editI miss "Daily Comics" from tardypad on OpenRepos:
Code is here:
And maybe you can improve it by enabling users to edit and fix the comics definitions/urls.
melg01 ( 2018-12-05 06:25:53 +0200 )editDaedalus Musicplayer:
In my eyes the best player for SailfishOS, but unfortunately no longer able to get/display album information since Sailfish
dyraig ( 2018-12-05 10:10:40 +0200 )edit