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Download again my Sailfish X and install it on XA2 Plus

asked 2019-01-08 13:33:44 +0200

vicentpavel gravatar image


The December 21st I lost my Xperia X. Yesterday I purchased a Xperia XA2 Plus. I am looking for the Sailfish X image I purchased in the 2017 but I do not find it. Does anyone know where to download it again? It doesn't appear in my shop.jolla.com intranet.

Apart from that. Is it possible to install Sailfish X released in 2017 in my new Xperia XA2 Plus?

Thank you in advance.

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Spam Hunter ( 2019-01-08 15:03:25 +0200 )edit

Also looking for that download link since my xperia x got bricked with the latest update ( and I need to reflash the image to the phone.

Edir ( 2019-01-19 10:32:48 +0200 )edit

4 Answers

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answered 2019-01-19 12:04:22 +0200

danfin gravatar image

no, it is not possible. The license is a per device license and not a personal license, and the XperiaX OS will not work on a XA2. You need to purchase a XA2 license for your new phone. https://shop.jolla.com/ as a SailfishX licensee however you may be eligible for a discount on Sailfish XA, states Jolla shop somewhere. Now lets hope this will be a substantial discount.

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answered 2019-01-19 10:37:53 +0200

Edir gravatar image

So, I should have looked at, originally, my own flashing instructions here at the site. Because there I found this link: https://shop.jolla.com/downloads/ where I in turn found the download links for xperia x.

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answered 2019-01-19 10:52:02 +0200

aQUICK1 gravatar image

Login with your Jolla account at Jolla shop should give u all the XA2 versions for download, please remind these are trial versions and do not have all the functions yet!

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answered 2019-01-20 13:32:42 +0200

Sakke gravatar image

updated 2019-01-20 13:33:44 +0200

Since you've bought Sailfish X licence to Sony Xperia X it's not yet possible to get full commercial licence for your Sony Xperia XA2 variant, there's the free trial with only Sailfish 3 as there has been mentioned.You can contact to jolla.zendesk.com and describe your situation there and see if it has any effect on the issue. The licence could be transferred but I think it's not likely in this situation since you've lost your phone.

I also happen to have similar licence transfer in process. My Xperia X broke off (was in maintenance/service 4 times and didn't even reboot after the fourth time) and this wasn't caused by me so I got my money back (from Verkkokauppa.com). Jolla has promised me that they'll transfer the licence to my new Xperia XA2 after the full commercial licence is available. So hence, there could be hope for you too.

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Asked: 2019-01-08 13:33:44 +0200

Seen: 1,016 times

Last updated: Jan 20 '19