crypted sd card does not work for me...
Maybe I am simply too stupid but I am not able to create and mount a crypted sd card:
- insert new and fresh sd card (here samsung evo 128GB)
- startup device (here Jolla1)
- Settings -> Memory (Speicher)
- Long press memory card -> Format
- Enter the name, check crypt and set password -> Format (luks)
- rotating clock - accept access
- rotating clock - Error
Maybe more luck with an existing card:
- Gnome Desktop
- format ext4 with luks
- insert into device, bootup
- Settings -> Memory
- Card is seen as encrypted. -> decrypt, enter credentials
- rotating clock - Error
hm, probably wrong user, mount it on the desktop machine, chown disk 10000,10000, and try it again on the Jolla1
- Error.
What am I doing wrong?
Saw this "unlock" thingie from the yet edited post: Where is this? Is this the thing missing?
If you insert an encrypted SD card you should see an unlock option in Settings-Storage.
Are you sure that JP1 can handle 128GB SD cards? I did the same on XA2 with an 128GB Sandisk. Maybe you try a smaller one. Mine was originally formated as exVAT and in Settings-Storage I got the message that it's the wrong file system and whether I want to format that card.
jollajo ( 2019-01-10 16:06:52 +0200 )editI had an unencrypted 128GB in the phone before. And the unlock seems to fail somewhere after decrypting I guess (?)
cy8aer ( 2019-01-10 19:20:06 +0200 )editH, is there a chance that you run into a Umlaut-problem? I'd try to use plain 7-bit-ASCII characters for verification.
jollajo ( 2019-01-10 20:09:36 +0200 )editRemember to always unmount the sdcard before crypting it.
Nrsisti ( 2019-01-11 10:05:14 +0200 )editOn 3.0.0 the card must be unmounted before formatting it.
jovirkku ( 2019-01-11 11:38:25 +0200 )editUpdate 3.0.1 has an automatic unmount built-in to format command.
This help article might be useful to somebody.