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Connectivity problem XA2 (H4113) - Sailfish

asked 2019-01-18 13:14:56 +0200

DK-Sailor gravatar image

updated 2019-01-21 11:30:57 +0200

jiit gravatar image

Mobile connectivity was so bad in that I have not been able to use my XA2 (H4113) and now it is even worse after upgrading to…

It is searching for network for 5-10 minutes before connecting to the provider network, after connecting it disconnects from time to time, and it is almost totally unable to connect to Mobile Broadband. I can bee lucky that it from time to time manages to establish a mobile broadband connection but it is very slow and disconnects all the time. When trying to establish the broadband connection the status is all the time flipping between “Connected” and “Connecting”. I tried two different sim’s from different providers both has the same problem in the XA2 but works fine in my X, my AquaFish and my Jolla 1.

I have again after this release sent in a ofono-log, like I did last time and I hope someone will have a look at it.

It is not possible to use my XA2 at all… Does anyone else have this connectivity problem or is it my phone? (which was tested a lot and was fully functioning using Android before flashing, and everything except connectivity works OK).

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I have similar problem time to time but restarting usually helps.

Cannond ( 2019-01-18 20:26:54 +0200 )edit

Might be the same problem as with Xperia X where you have to reflash it with android, use voice calls and data for some time with the same sim you'll use it with and then reflash back.

butler ( 2019-02-02 03:49:00 +0200 )edit

@butler As described in some of the comments below I did all that, and more, with very little effect. But please read my own reply to the question below – everything works fine after updating to

DK-Sailor ( 2019-02-02 12:12:57 +0200 )edit

@butler I don't understand the magic behind this

'reflash Android, install same SIM, use voice calls and data, then reflash'.

There is no magic, it's not Windows, and for a reason. These phones are supposed to be deterministic and these problems are supposed to have a clear cause. Apparently somewhere in a configuration and I don't understand why Jolla hasn't figured out yet where we have to fix the configuration so it will work as it should.

arie_jolla ( 2020-08-21 16:58:46 +0200 )edit

9 Answers

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answered 2019-01-18 19:49:20 +0200

BLB gravatar image

I have XA2 on and and both were working fine wifi and 4G

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I have also XA2 and WiFi (2.4 and 5 Ghz) and 4G works ok with both OS versions.

Have you tried to reset networking under Settings -> Utilities -> Restart networking... [Restart] button?

2kanaa ( 2019-01-19 15:13:47 +0200 )edit

I have of course tried to restart network, reboot and so on, but the problem persist. But I have noticed that the time it takes to connect to a mobile network and the level of stability changes slightly depending on my physical location. So I’m thinking that maybe the problem is bigger when the mobile network is using some frequencies and less at other frequencies. In the area where I live, and the problem is worse the providers UMTS frequencies are: 900MHz and 2100MHz and the LTE frequencies are: 1800MHz and 2600MHz.

DK-Sailor ( 2019-01-20 10:48:35 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-02-01 10:50:22 +0200

DK-Sailor gravatar image

updated 2019-02-01 10:51:18 +0200

I bought, downloaded and flashed the Sailfish X image on my XA2 yesterday. Everything went smooth and totally hassle free – and mobile connectivity is now good, the phone connects right away and stays connected both on 3G and 4G, so all my problems with mobile connectivity are gone. The signal level is not quite as high as on the X but this was also the case with Android on the XA2, so it’s probably due to a not so good antenna in the XA2.

Just a few other things I would like to mention. The annoying bug where you could not update your password in General email accounts is fixed, so I could simply restore EVERYTHING from the backup I made on my X and simply update all passwords and I was good to go :-))

I also have to mention that the Android 8.1 is much better than could be expected from a beta version, yes there are a few glitches here and there but most of these are already mentioned in the release notes.

A great job Jolla guys!! now my XA2 is in full use and my X is lying idle as a backup device – thank you! :-))

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answered 2019-02-21 10:02:20 +0200

pearly dragon gravatar image

Hi! I buy XA2, and Android apps have't internet connection via 4G. Only if have Wifi-connection. Anybody fix it? Reboot or restart network dont help. But need HereWeGo.

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Connectivity is now much better in but I also still have problems with 4G. The only solution that worked for me is to set the phone to "prefer 3G” and use 3G instead of 4G, which for HereWeGo should be OK. Hopefully Jolla manages to fix this issue for the next release.

DK-Sailor ( 2019-02-21 11:17:12 +0200 )edit

I habe next app, who need internet: Kate mobile - work. HereWeGo - doesn't. 2gis (russian maps app) - doesn't. Yandex.transport (russian online pubic transport viewer) - work. BashReader - works, but write - no internet connection.

And Google play - doesn't work all. I install it from android store, and it doesn't opened. Android store - doesnt work without Wi-fi too.

pearly dragon ( 2019-02-21 11:43:28 +0200 )edit

No, don't help change "3G instead of 4G". HereWeGo doesn't work - say: need connection. Weird - why half apps used phone internet, and half can't.

pearly dragon ( 2019-02-21 12:07:10 +0200 )edit

I tryed change SIM slot from 2 to 1, reboot, restart Mobile Data - nothing... And I observe something: when I run android app, which doesn't see Mobile Data and at once minimize app - I see - I have no Mobile Data connection and sim-slot checked as empty. And then slot checked as active and Mobile Data revert. If don't maximize apps - all good, if maximize - already no connection... Weird..... Why? And why all good, if I try open messengers or different versions of an Opera? How I can make log - what happened with internet connection while I try run different apps? I have Experia XA2 Ultra (h4213).

pearly dragon ( 2019-02-25 10:21:17 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-01-21 10:49:19 +0200

manu007 gravatar image

I have a XA2 Plus (H4493) and is working perfectly, WIFI & phone (including data), pls try to clean your SIM card (cloth with alcohol), sometimes help.

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Thanks for the suggestion, but both sim cards are clean and as mentioned sim’s are working just fine in my three other sailfish powered phones.

DK-Sailor ( 2019-01-21 12:32:31 +0200 )edit

I also have a XA2 Plus H4493, just flashed v3.3.0.16, no WiFi. It sees the networks but " Sorry. Could not connect to selected network." Both with SW_binaries_for_Xperia_Android_8.1.6.4_r1_v17_nile.img and v16.

arie_jolla ( 2020-08-21 00:18:14 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-01-21 11:03:37 +0200

vatman gravatar image

On my phone my 4g network was reconnecting constantly and thus I had crappy internet. I was able to push from the provider internet setting via sms or something (I have a kind of app that appear from the operator ) and issue was fixed.

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The internet settings are exactly the same in my XA2 as in my Xperia X, and in the X everything works fine.

DK-Sailor ( 2019-01-21 12:33:09 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-01-21 11:36:42 +0200

frax gravatar image

I have XA2 on and I also have problem with the connectivity but it usually helps turning the flight mode off and on.

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As previously mentioned I have again sent the ofono-log files to Jolla and I hope someone will have a close look and find details of what is going on from the logs.

I hope Jolla will check this before next release because right now my XA2 is just lying idle and I have to continue enjoying the use of Sailfish only using my Xperia X.

It would be very nice if Jolla at least would comment on this issue so we would know if they think there is a problem and they are working on it – initially I thought it might be my phone but learning that others have similar problems with the XA2 it would be nice to hear from Jolla...

DK-Sailor ( 2019-01-21 12:48:35 +0200 )edit

Connection is more stable after update Before the update also turning the phone on just with mobile data and wifi off helped. After the phone found the mobile data it was ok to turn wifi on also. But overall its better after the update.

Cannond ( 2019-02-02 11:58:09 +0200 )edit

@Cannond As described in my own reply to the question (please see above) everything is also working fine in my XA2 after the update.

DK-Sailor ( 2019-02-02 12:11:40 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-01-21 13:47:36 +0200

BLB gravatar image

Could you try with Android on.same spots?

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I was testing the XA2 very thoroughly using Android before flashing Sailfish onto it using my normal sim card and everything was working fine.

I do not own an Android phone to test and I really do not want to try to reinstall Android on the XA2 to do the same test again. And as mentioned my other Sailfish phones work fine with the same sim in the same location.

I could try to re-flash Sailfish, but it was flashed without errors and everything else works fine, and since others are experiencing similar problems, I doubt this would have any effect.

I really hope Jolla would comment either by saying they don’t think there is a problem with the XA2’s mobile connectivity, or saying they are looking into it and will come back with an answer...

DK-Sailor ( 2019-01-21 14:07:35 +0200 )edit

I woukd still suggest you flash android on it. Then if works back to sailfish. I was having issues with the speaker and after testing on android a check worked there and flash sailfish again .... Worked

BLB ( 2019-01-21 14:12:12 +0200 )edit

OK - if Jolla really will not comment on this issue and review the connection logs twice sent to them, I will consider trying, since you had that experience with your XA2. As mentioned I did everything they recommend. Using the phone and testing everything before flashing.

DK-Sailor ( 2019-01-21 14:20:56 +0200 )edit

I have now tried to flash Android back on my XA2 and have extensively tested the phone with Android running my normal sim-card for 36 hours.

Using Android the phone connects right away to the provider network and is working on both 3G and 4G connections. I have however noticed that the connection is not as strong as it is on my Xperia X. I therefore think the antenna or the mobile communication module in the XA2 is not as good as in the X, especially when the network is using high frequencies.

After re-flashing the XA2 with Sailfish again (now flashing It seems the phone is connecting quicker to the provider network and also seems to have a slightly more stable connection on 3G than before, when 3G is preferred, but is still disconnecting all the time on 4G at 1800MHz and 2600MHz.

After a lot of testing I’ll say the XA2 connections are not as good as in the X, but the same phone connects a lot better on Android than on Sailfish. So my XA2 will still be lying idle until I can test with the next Sailfish update.

After re-flashing Sailfish I found a few bugs in connection with setting up mail accounts. I’ll check if these has already been reported otherwise I raise a bug report on these findings.

But let me say, after now having spend hours testing on Android, I am SOOO happy that I’m using Sailfish on my daily phone :-)).

DK-Sailor ( 2019-01-23 21:36:34 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-02-17 21:47:37 +0200

fractallyte gravatar image

I had precisely this problem. Xperia XA2 with update I'm in the UK, using EE as the network provider.

Here's the solution: when the SIM card is newly detected in the phone, EE doesn't automatically send data and MMS access point settings. You need to manually configure these settings!

So, for example, for EE the configuration is here: https://community.ee.co.uk/t5/4G-and-mobile-data/EE-APN-Settings-Where-to-find-them/td-p/741851

On your Xperia phone, go to Settings -> Mobile network -> Data access point, and enter the following:

Profile name: EE Internet APN: everywhere Username: eesecure Password: secure

Similarly for MMS...

After I did this, Mobile data magically worked.

Another provider, 3, does automatically send settings. The phone finds the network almost immediately (in contrast to EE), and connectivity is not a problem.

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answered 2019-02-17 23:19:43 +0200

Fede_ gravatar image

hi! ive flashed an xperia xa2 ultra (h4213) and installed the latest version of s.o. ive noticed that any time i send a message, if i immediately start typing another messagge (same person), the 2nd message would start from the last word i have typed in 1st message. e.g. 1st message : hi frank 2nd message typed : how are you? 2nd message displayed in text field: frankhow are you?

i hope i've explained myself :) Am I the only one facing this? is there any workaround? i have the latest whatsapp official version (downloaded yesterday) thanks

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This is a totally different issue, please raise a new question.

Pohli ( 2019-02-18 00:02:47 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2019-01-18 13:14:56 +0200

Seen: 2,151 times

Last updated: Feb 21 '19