Bricked my Jolla phone, could it be fixed?
Few days ago I've tried to upgrade to 3.0.1, and looks like my phone is dead.
I've used Jolla from 2014, it worked well although battery wasn't good, but whatever. In past I've already had some problems with updates, like having that known btrfs space problem, or stucking in graphical update forever etc, but everything got fixed successfully. Now, with previous knowledge in mind, I've cleaned some space (5 Gb free, btrfs balance) and used shell (version --dup). Everything was good, until at 80% of upgrade system reported that there is no space left. I've checked btrfs fi show
but it displayed that there is free space, so I've decided to retry. Some packages were installed, then that error happened again.
Then I've did another btrfs balance and it finished successfully, but btrfs fi show still displayed old numbers (something like 11 Gb used and 3 free). Still didn't help, another update run failed. Ok, if system wants space, I'll delete something. Found some files that I don't care about, tried to delete... and error again, OS couldn't delete files because there are no space (!). Using echo > file didn't help either. Btrfs balance suddenly started complain about space too.
So, after some googling I've decided to add loop device to give system some space (from that thread from TJC, losetup + btrfs device add). Added 1 Gb loop device, did balance, everything went good, now tried to remove that device - and remove failed. I've started to worry, because thread says that rebooting with that device bricks phone. But, after few tries and some random manipulation, device was removed successfully, disappeared from btrfs fi etc.
I've decided to continue the upgrade, but suddenly almost every command failed with shared library error. Pkcon/zypper couldn't be started, but rsync worked, so I've backed up /home/ to SD card for safety reasons, moved some files and decided to reboot. I didn't see any other way to continue, although it was deep night so maybe I did something wrong. And then phone didn't start. Recovery doesn't boot either. PC sees phone as Qualcomm modem, so it isn't hardware failure, it is just bricked.
Could anyone tell me what I can do now? Or phone is dead completely?