XA2 - screen turns on and off while charging
Hi there!
Whenever I charge my XA2 (, the screen turns on and off constantly. Is there a fix to this besides turning off the phone while it is charging?
Thanks in advance!
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Hi there!
Whenever I charge my XA2 (, the screen turns on and off constantly. Is there a fix to this besides turning off the phone while it is charging?
Thanks in advance!
If you have a quickcharger, this could be related to that. Occasionally XA2 goes through several cycles of reporting "dedicated charger" -> "high voltage charger" -> "disconnected" -> "dedicated charger" -> ... before settling down to some state. These then cause display wakeups due to triggering associated notifications.Seems to be more likely if battery is already full when the charger is connected.
Reference to the older post about charging going on and off when on Quickcharge.
DrYak ( 2019-04-28 12:52:11 +0200 )editWell it doesn't seem to fucking settle. It goes on and off forever, and that's something I don't like when I'm trying to sleep. Let's not recharge then and wish my battery will last a lifetime!
I have used Sailfish since 2014, and I feel stupid for liking an OS that gets more dysfunctional every update. Getting USB tethering to work was a hassle. Sometimes you have to reboot your phone four times before it finds your sim-card. Browser tries to download a certain app every time I open it. And now, screen turns on and off while charging... Is there literally any real benefit of having this OS?
Mukaparska ( 2020-03-08 00:52:47 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2019-02-04 14:08:50 +0200
Seen: 534 times
Last updated: Feb 04 '19
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I was about to write this bug too. On my XA2 plus, the screen turns on and off for a few minutes before turning off while charging. Doesn't happen everytime when I charge it, but quite frequently.
orangecat ( 2019-02-04 14:11:20 +0200 )editHappens to me too (Xperia XA2 dual-sim H4113 with Sailfish OS I'm using a CSL 3-port USB charger that purportedly supports QuickCharge 3.0. The phone keeps pinging every few seconds saying that it is “charging”.
anselm ( 2019-08-04 04:03:58 +0200 )edit