BlackView BV6000 - new device with Sailfish?
asked 2019-02-09 13:04:31 +0200

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Does anyone know anything about this story?
A video of the Blackview BV6000 running the Russian Sailfish OS can be found on Youtube
Will it be available outside of Russia, with “global” Sailfish?
if anyone knows, it will likely be @coderus
Spam Hunter ( 2019-02-09 13:06:41 +0200 )editfor Russia, most probably - but for the rest of the world? ;)
hiping for someone from Jolla...
zlutor ( 2019-02-09 13:10:27 +0200 )edit@Edz i dont know :)
coderus ( 2019-02-09 13:42:35 +0200 )editI'll just leave this here: a few weeks ago someone gave me an BlackView phone (A10 or something) and I found some preinstalled Spyware on this thing (also in the downloadable Update). Yeah, it was Android, but even with Sailfish, I would'nt trust a device with BlackView in the name.
Hangman ( 2019-02-09 20:58:30 +0200 )editLooking at the video, and not understanding Russian, it seems to be a rugged device, the type sometimes sold for special purpose business use. Meaning, it's extremely ugly and nobody would touch it if they had the choice :-)
There is one nice bit at the end: some rudimentary support for reading NFC tags. Nice to have this in Sailfish and hope this makes it to other devices (including the XA2) too. Bring back fond memories from my N9 days when I could easily share photos with my family :-)
Pim ( 2019-05-06 11:59:19 +0200 )edit