Sailfish 3 issues
Running Sailfish on Jolla 1 (original device). Couple of Android apps can't start due to inability to detect network connection - so far Banggood and Shazam have popped up with "No data connection" errors. Tried restarting the device, switching between wireless and mobile data - all the same. Haven't tried those apps on 2.x so not sure if it's an old issue or regression.
Maybe the apps require an Androind version later than 4.4. Are you able to check this?
SagaciousT ( 2019-02-21 16:56:50 +0200 )editGPlay store says Android version is device specific. Aptoide store says, Shazam v9.x needs Android 5.0+. However on Aptoide you can find older versions and Shazam v7.x only requires Android 4.4+, this should run on J1.
Spark ( 2019-02-21 17:07:45 +0200 )editTrue that, downgrading did the trick for Shazam. Thought that Android filters versions by Android compatibility level automatically?
TheGrave ( 2019-02-22 21:06:24 +0200 )edit