XA2 Second Sim 3G Support [answered]
To those whit an XA2 Plus/Ultra does the device support 3G on the second SIM? Most links I see indicate for the Plus and Ultra the Second SIM only Supports 2G. Which is now redundant in large parts of the world, since many countries have switched of 2G. AFAIK, The Standard XA2 supports 3G on the Second SIM.
Secondly (I know 2 questions in one but they are heavily linked.) According to one source Android can switch roles of the 2 Physical SIMS. I.E. Second SIM could be primary with 4G. Is this so?
I think XA2 too supports only 2G on second sim
santhoshmanikandan ( 2019-02-25 04:52:37 +0200 )editWhy? My XA2 ultra indicate 4G on both sim's. And Internet good work on fast speed on both sim's, when both indicate 4G. But maps and stores, of android, cant use internet, only messengers and browsers o_O
pearly dragon ( 2019-02-25 10:32:00 +0200 )editthanks, was trying to wayup weather it's worth upgrading from my cracked screen X. Dual sim not needed now. but since the models available for plus are dual sim was contemplating it for possible work sim as well.
mute point for now since XA2 image doesn't look ready for daily driver yet.
GD ( 2019-02-26 08:48:20 +0200 )edit