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XA2 flashing issue

asked 2019-03-11 22:56:19 +0200

Pheet gravatar image

updated 2020-02-19 20:41:54 +0200

olf gravatar image


I managed to unlock my XA2 H4113 variant fine by following the instructions in https://jolla.com/sailfishx-windows-instructions-xa2/.

But when I try to flash by running flash-on-windows.bat (I am on Windows 7), after md5sum verification I get:

Searching a compatible device...
find: 'secure:': No such file or directory

This device has not been unlocked for the flashing. Please follow the
instructions how to unlock your device at the following webpage:

If I run the same batchfile with admin priviledges, after a failed md5sum verification I get:

Searching a compatible device...

The device is unlocked for the flashing process. Continuing..

Found '' that will be used as vendor image. Continuing..

The Sony Vendor partition image was not found in the current
directory. Please download it from https://developer.sony.com/file/download/soft
and unzip it into this directory.

I got the Sailfish_OS-Jolla- package. I have tried with and SW binary images in the same directory as flash-on-windows.bat (and the rest of the files). On boot the device gives a "lock open" image, instructing to lock the bootloader. In settings it also states that bootloader is unlocked (and can't be changed), USB debugging is enabled too.

Not sure how to proceed


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lock open image is normal, don't mind that

Nrsisti ( 2019-03-13 14:40:23 +0200 )edit

I only mentioned it to underline that I really had managed to unlock the device

Pheet ( 2019-03-13 22:01:12 +0200 )edit

Hi Pheet

are you sorted now? Two ideas...

  1. use a linux (run your computer off an ISO CD or USB key) or mac computer to try the install

  2. if all else fails install lineageos or /e/ - it is a similar process

My 3113 xa2 installed fine from W10.


thepeckhambassplayer ( 2020-02-16 11:24:20 +0200 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2019-03-12 01:53:45 +0200

pawel gravatar image

well i did fail on win7 to flesh xoeria x and succeeeded on win10 i asaume it is a simillar issue...

maybe this helps:


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I'll give flashing on a different OS a go soon, let's see how that goes.

Pheet ( 2019-03-12 21:47:07 +0200 )edit

Yeah, some issue with Window 7, I suppose. I managed to flash perfectly on macOS.

Pheet ( 2019-03-18 18:49:25 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-03-18 18:50:53 +0200

Pheet gravatar image

It was due to some unknown issue related to Windows 7, I suppose. I managed to flash with no trouble on macOS.

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answered 2019-03-27 16:40:36 +0200

kongha gravatar image

Hello First poster here. I had the issue with the lastest jolla (Sailfish_OS-Jolla- and xa2 ultra togheter with windows 10. I did follow the instructions to the point (https://jolla.com/sailfishx-windows-instructions-xa2/). I even did fiddle around with different usb ports, adb drivers without sucess. As soon as I clicked on the bat file it closed down (yes, fastboot could find my unlocked phone).

What did however work was Ubuntu 18.10 togheter with the same files that didnt work with windows 10.

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Comments h4413 fails for me too both on Windows 7 and 10. See below for the console output.

Microsoft Windows [Versione 10.0.17134.648]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. Tutti i diritti sono riservati.

C:\Users\giacomo_2>cd C:\Users\giacomo_2\Desktop\Sailfish_OS-Jolla-


This is a Windows flashing script for Sony Xperia XA2 device.

Power on the device in fastboot mode, by doing the following:
1. Turn off your Xperia.
2. Connect one end of a USB cable to your PC.
3. While holding the volume up button pressed, connect the other end of
   the USB cable to your Xperia.
4. After this you should see the blue LED lit on Xperia, and it will be
   ready for flashing

Premere un tasto per continuare . . .
MD5SUM 'ed5a809dc0024d83cbab4fb9933d598d' match for file 'AdbWinApi.dll'.
MD5SUM '0e24119daf1909e398fa1850b6112077' match for file 'AdbWinUsbApi.dll'.
MD5SUM 'c980ea6caa9140ee3f30cdc0e98844c4' match for file 'fastboot.exe'.
MD5SUM 'e129a068a358f03f0857510151fc6d12' match for file 'flash-on-windows.bat'.

Searching a compatible device...

The device is unlocked for the flashing process. Continuing..

Impossibile trovare l'unità specificata.

Found 'SW_binaries_for_Xperia_Android_8.1.6.4_r1_v17_nile.img' that will be used as vendor image. Continuing..
or non atteso.

"Impossibile trovare l'unità specificata" translates to "Can't find the specified unit". "or not atteso" translates to "unexpected or".

Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2019-03-27 21:01:09 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2019-03-11 22:56:19 +0200

Seen: 1,110 times

Last updated: Feb 13 '20